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Is it worthwhile for part-time graduate students to enter for the exam? Let's see what everyone says?

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Since the reform of part-time system in 2017, part-time system has become more and more popular. The part-time graduate students can not only get a promotion and pay rise, but also go abroad to study, which is worth applying for. However, some of the examinees raised objections, saying that part-time tuition is expensive, social recognition is not high, and it is not worth applying for the exam. So, Is it worthwhile for part-time graduate students to enter for the exam? Let's see what everyone says?

Positive view: part-time graduate students are worth applying for the exam

1. Recognition

The part-time graduate students are recruited and tested by the state in a unified way. They have the same policy as full-time graduate students and have the same legal effect as full-time graduate students. The state and society give the same treatment.

2. Tuition

It is understandable that the tuition of part-time graduate students is higher than that of full-time graduate students. It is an investment of knowledge that part-time graduate students use a small amount of rest time to acquire the same knowledge as full-time graduate students.

3. Employment salary

If you become a part-time graduate student, you can obtain a graduate degree and get a better job than a junior college or undergraduate. In addition, when enterprises assess employees' salary increases, employees with graduate degrees and degrees are more likely to get positions and salary increases.

4. Civil servant candidates

Civil servants have relevant requirements for candidates for graduate education, and part-time graduate students can obtain graduate education and degrees, which is helpful for applying for civil servants.

5. Professional title evaluation

Part time graduate students can obtain graduate education and degrees. Generally, employees with graduate education will have higher priority in professional title evaluation than undergraduates. In addition, the length of service required for the professional title evaluation of postgraduates is less than that of undergraduates. Some professional titles require undergraduates to take corresponding positions, while postgraduates do not.

6. Doctor Kao

The conditions for applying for a doctor's degree are first to hold a master's degree. A part-time graduate student can obtain a master's degree, and of course, can take a doctor's degree.

Opposition: part-time graduate students are not worth applying for the exam

1. Recognition

Enterprise recruitment generally values full-time education, but the policy of part-time graduate students has just been implemented, and not many enterprises understand its policy. In addition, the academic certificates obtained by part-time graduate students are marked as "part-time", and enterprises do not attach much importance to part-time graduate certificates.

2. Tuition

The tuition fees of full-time colleges and universities are generally about 8000-20000 yuan, and the fees of some full-time professionals and masters will be higher. The tuition fees for part-time graduate students range from 30000 to several hundred thousand, which is higher than the full-time tuition fees.

3. Employment salary

Enterprises do not attach importance to part-time graduate certificates when recruiting, and enterprises pay more attention to full-time graduate graduates when raising salaries for employees.

4. Civil servant candidates

Most of the conditions for civil servants to apply for the exam require full-time graduate education, and part-time graduate students are not allowed to apply for the exam.

5. Professional title evaluation

When evaluating professional titles, organizations often require full-time graduate education, and part-time graduate education cannot be based on professional titles.

6. Doctor Kao

At present, part-time postgraduate enrollment majors are mostly professional masters, so it is more difficult to take the doctoral exam and the pass rate is not high, because the tutors prefer candidates who study master's degree during the doctoral exam.

Minor opinions:

In addition to the improvement of academic qualifications, part-time postgraduate learning is also a kind of improvement of knowledge and skills. While we can accumulate work experience, we can also improve our knowledge and skills. It's really a good choice for people in service.

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