How should part-time graduate students choose their majors? Remember these principles_ Xi'an Wendu Postgraduate Entrance Examination
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How should part-time graduate students choose their majors? Remember these principles!

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How should part-time graduate students choose their majors? Do you choose according to your own interests or employment prospects? If you choose according to your interests, you don't know what the employment situation will be like in the future; Majors are chosen according to employment prospects, but the examination is competitive. So, How should part-time graduate students choose their majors? Remember these principles!

What are the top ten popular majors for postgraduate entrance examination?

According to the statistics in recent years, the top ten majors for postgraduate entrance examination are the joint examination for master of law, the joint examination for master of business administration, finance, computer application technology, business management, communication and communication systems, civil and commercial law, foreign linguistics and applied linguistics, administration and accounting.

How should part-time graduate students choose their majors?

Principle 1: Understand the industry prospect by combining interests

Interest is the best teacher. You should choose your major rationally on the basis of full understanding of your own intentions, interests and strengths. On the basis of interest, we need to see the employment prospects of this major.

Principle 2: Whether to take the math exam

Give up if you can't do math well. Because mathematics is 150 points, it is also the easiest course to score. If you are not well prepared, you can easily distance yourself from other examinees by dozens of points. If you do well in mathematics, you will have an advantage in learning mathematics.

Subjects not subject to mathematics: education, applied psychology, law, translation, news and communication, etc.

Principle 3: According to the score

Those with good foundation and sufficient review can choose those with high score; Those who start late and have poor foundation can choose those with low score. Generally, the score line of master of engineering is lower, but it needs to take mathematics test, and the score line of subjects not taking mathematics test is usually above 300.

Principle 4: Discipline may be limited

It is necessary to consider whether majors are limited, such as clinical medicine, pharmacy, and law majors do not like to recruit interdisciplinary students, and other majors should try not to cross exam these majors.

Principle 5: Try to avoid popular majors

The number of applicants for popular majors is large, and the number of applicants is certain, which will inevitably lead to a low ratio of applicants to applicants. This will lead to a low ratio of applicants to applicants. Therefore, candidates should try to avoid some popular majors.

The above is organized by Xiao Bian“ How should part-time graduate students choose their majors? Remember these principles! ”I hope it can help you!

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