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Basic score line of the 2022 postgraduate reexamination of Xi'an Jiaotong University

Countdown to 2021 day

22 The scores of the re examination of 34 independent marking universities for postgraduate entrance examination are being announced in succession. The following is Xi'an Jiaotong University The score line of 2022 postgraduate entrance examination reexamination is attached to the score line of 34 self marking colleges over the years to understand the basic score line for entering the reexamination. Click to view: Summary of 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Re examination Scores of 34 Self marking Universities in China
Relevant description:
1. The basic score line of the school's reexamination is the lowest score line of the corresponding discipline category (discipline) and professional degree category, and the single subject and total score must meet the requirements at the same time. Each enrollment college (department, center) shall, according to its enrollment plan, student source, etc., draw its own reexamination score line and determine the list of reexamination candidates according to a certain proportion of the difference.  
2. If the score line of the second examination of the "Retired College Student Soldier Plan" is 500 points, the total score will be reduced by 30 points; If the full score of the examination subject is 300, the total score will be reduced by 18 points; The score line of the second round exam of the plan for building a strong military is not less than 280 points in total, and not less than 30 points in a single subject if the full score of the exam subject is 100 points, and not less than 55 points in a single subject if the full score of the exam subject is 150 points; The re examination score line of the individual examination shall be no less than 255 points in total, no less than 30 points in a single subject if the full score of the examination subject is 100 points, and no less than 45 points in a single subject if the full score of the examination subject is 150 points.
3. Candidates who have completed their service and passed the examination in such projects as "College Students Volunteer Service in the West Plan", "Three Supports and One Support Plan", "School Teachers' Special Post Plan for Rural Compulsory Education Stage", "Volunteers for Chinese Teachers Going Abroad", "College Students Recruited for Compulsory Military Service and Retired from Military Service", "Selecting College Graduates to Work in Villages", Enjoy the bonus policy according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education in the current year. The above bonus items will not be accumulated. Candidates who meet two or more bonus conditions at the same time will be given the highest score. For ethnic minority in-service candidates whose work units and household registration are in the ethnic autonomous regions announced by the State Council, and whose targeted employment units are the original units, their total scores will be reduced by 10 points on the basis of the re examination score line designated by the school.
Candidates who meet the above policies of care, plus points and minus points must send the relevant electronic certification materials to the mailbox of the Graduate Recruitment Office within three days after the release of the basic score line of the school's reexamination( yzb@xjtu.edu.cn )。  
4. For personnel with the same academic level (graduated from higher vocational colleges and undergraduate courses), current undergraduate graduates of adult education, self-taught examination and online education undergraduate students who have not obtained the undergraduate graduation certificate at the time of the second examination, those who have reached the basic score line of the second examination must take an additional examination in the second examination according to the regulations, and those who fail the additional examination will not be admitted. Self study examination and online education undergraduates who have obtained their undergraduate graduation certificates should send their graduation certificates and relevant materials (admission cards and ID cards) to the mailbox of the Graduate Recruitment Office within three days after the release of the basic score line of the reexamination( yzb@xjtu.edu.cn )。  
According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Shaanxi Provincial Education Examination Institute for the 2022 postgraduate reexamination work and epidemic prevention and control work, combined with the actual situation of our school, the 2022 postgraduate reexamination is expected to be held in late March, and the network remote reexamination method will be adopted. See the notice of the school and relevant colleges (departments and centers) for the specific reexamination plan and relevant arrangements.  

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