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Is there always an error in doing the real exam? You haven't mastered these methods

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This question:

Teacher, I have been working on real problems recently, and I always make mistakes. I can make six or seven mistakes if I do ten. If you make mistakes in simple questions, is there any way to save them?

Teacher's answer:

In fact, before answering this question, you should consider why you made a mistake. Is it because of the lack of proficiency in knowledge points, or because the basic concept of knowledge is not clear, or because there is a problem with usual habits. It should be solved from the following aspects.

Find the root cause of the error

When doing exercises, it doesn't mean that the more exercises you can do, the better. What's the meaning of spending a lot of time to practice a lot of problems if you just do the problem without reflection and still can't solve the same problem next time?

First of all, when we make mistakes, we must carefully analyze the reasons for our mistakes, classify them, and constantly reflect on the ways to avoid them.

There is no progress without reflection. The essence of question brushing does not lie in the number of questions, but in our constant reflection on mistakes, so as to master the knowledge and skills required for answering questions.

Consolidate basic knowledge

Many students will say that the problem is always wrong, which may be due to poor basic skills. If you want to improve the accuracy, you must thoroughly understand the knowledge points, and do not have knowledge blind spots.

In this way, the accuracy rate can be guaranteed to be 70% to 80%, and the rest needs us to gradually move closer to the logical thinking of the author in the process of problem solving.

English cloze requires that we have the ability to discriminate English synonyms, which can only be achieved through continuous accumulation.

As far as words are concerned, when we recite words, we'd better understand the example sentences in the word book at the same time. We can't simply use English Chinese translation to memorize words rigidly. Only after we understand the meaning of the word in the specific context, can we quickly understand its meaning in the article.

In addition, we should memorize words in an all-round way and combine word books with reading to memorize words.

As far as mathematics is concerned, develop the good habit of doing problems carefully and make a good set of wrong questions.

From the analysis of the results of each year's postgraduate entrance examination math exam, remember not to be arrogant in practice. Many students lost points due to carelessness in the exam, and regret it later.

Therefore, it is suggested that students should develop the good habit of carefully doing questions at ordinary times, and also suggest that students make a set of wrong questions, so that we can repeatedly focus on reviewing these wrong questions in the future review, which not only saves review time, but also improves the quality and efficiency of review.

        The above is for everyone Is there always an error in doing the real exam? You haven't mastered these methods ”Relevant content of, If you have more questions, please consult the online teacher in time.

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