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District leaders go deep into the Baihe Community of Heping Street to teach special party lessons

Time: 2024-06-28 Views: Font size: enlarge normal narrow

On June 26, Liu Guijiang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of the CPPCC District Committee, went deep into the Baihe Community of Heping Street to teach special party courses on learning and education of party discipline, and conducted a visit and survey on the construction of the committee members' studio, and supervised and inspected the implementation of the "two responsibilities" for food safety. Leaders of the District Market Bureau and Heping Sub district attended.

In the theme party lesson, Liu Guijiang taught the topic party lesson from four aspects: deeply understanding the importance of strengthening the party's discipline construction, fully understanding the main contents of the revision of the CPC's Disciplinary Regulations, and persistently using iron discipline from strict party governance, and promoting high-quality development of grass-roots governance based on the learning and education achievements of party discipline. He stressed that Party members and cadres should have a deep understanding of the contents of the Regulations, further strengthen the sense of discipline, know how to fear and keep the bottom line, and pay close attention to the study and education of Party discipline to achieve results.

In the food safety supervision and inspection, Liu Guijiang went deep into the school kitchen, carefully looked up the standing book records of raw material purchase, sanitation and disinfection, food sample retention, etc., and put forward relevant opinions and suggestions on the problems found in the on-site inspection process.

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