thirteen billion seven hundred and seventy-four million one hundred and eight thousand five hundred and ninety-nine

High quality stone supplier

Convenient transportation location

Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd. is located in Suixian Minshang Stone Industrial Park, Suizhou City, Hubei Province, the "hometown of granite". It is adjacent to Tongbai Mountain in the north, with the Hanshi Expressway leading to Wuhan and the 316 National Highway running through the territory, so the transportation is convenient.

Strong processing team

While operating at a preferential price, our factory attaches importance to quality management and believes that quality is the long-term basis of enterprise development. Years of experience and a skilled team of workers ensure that our products meet the quality requirements of customers.

Suizhou white hemp stone manufacturers mainly sell: Hubei white hemp stone, white hemp stone, Hubei golden hemp, Hubei white hemp, Suizhou golden hemp, Suizhou white hemp, Hubei sesame white granite, sesame grey stone.

Variety of stone materials

Three advantages



Company Profile

         Suixian Mingwang Stone Co., Ltd. is located in Wushan Stone Industrial Park, Suixian County, Suizhou City, Hubei Province, the "hometown of granite". It is adjacent to Tongbai Mountain in the north, with the Hanshi Expressway leading to Wuhan and the 316 National Highway running through the territory, so the transportation is convenient.

Suizhou white hemp stone manufacturers mainly sell: Hubei white hemp stone, white hemp stone, Hubei gold hemp, Hubei white hemp, Suizhou gold hemp, Suizhou white hemp, Hubei sesame white granite, sesame grey stone The products are sold all over the country. Welcome new and old customers to call us for consultation.

Suizhou white hemp stone manufacturer tel-13774108599

Hubei Baima Stone Consulting Tel.: 13774108599

Hubei Baima Stone: QQ-171706496

Address of Suizhou white hemp stone manufacturer: Wushan Stone Industrial Park, Suixian County, Suizhou City, Hubei Province


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    • thirteen billion seven hundred and seventy-four million one hundred and eight thousand five hundred and ninety-nine
    • 0722-4584881
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