Questionnaire on Law Popularization in Suzhou during the Eighth Five Year Plan

2023 is the middle year of the implementation of the Eighth Five Year Plan for Law Popularization. In order to further understand the effectiveness of the rule of law publicity and education work in Suzhou and promote the in-depth development of the rule of law publicity and education work in the city, the questionnaire on the law popularization work in Suzhou during the Eighth Five Year Plan is now carried out. The survey will be conducted anonymously, and all information will be kept strictly confidential. Thank you for your concern and valuable advice on Suzhou's rule of law publicity and education in your busy schedule!

Time of questionnaire: November 30, 2023 to December 13, 2023.


1. Your age?
18-25 years old
26-44 years old
Over 45
2. What is your occupation?
Enterprise personnel
Staff of government agencies and institutions
Farmers and community residents
3. Are you concerned about the introduction of new laws or the revision of important regulations?
Frequent attention
Occasional attention
Not concerned
4. Have you ever been exposed to the Constitution?
Have been exposed to
No contact
5. In your daily life, do you pay attention to using legal means?
very seldom
6. Which day of the year is National Constitution Day?
April 8th
June 5th
September 10th
December 4th
7. Which month of the year is the Civil Code Publicity Month?
8. Do you think the legal awareness and law-abiding awareness of people around you are gradually increasing?
No change
Didn't care
9. What is your overall feeling or evaluation of popularizing the law during the Eighth Five Year Plan period?
Quite comprehensive and effective
The effect is not obvious
I've heard of it. I don't know much
Not at all
10. What kind of publicity and education have you participated in? (multiple choice)
Weibo and WeChat Popularization
Website browsing
Participate in legal consultation
Watch programs on the rule of law
Listening to lectures on the rule of law
Visit Pufa Art Exhibition
Participate in legal knowledge contest
11. What kind of legal knowledge do you want to know most? (multiple choice)
Economic, commercial and legal aspects (finance and taxation, companies, securities, etc.)
Civil law (marriage and family, property rights, contracts, etc.)
Labor law (labor contract, labor protection, wages and benefits, etc.)
Administrative law (administrative license, administrative penalty, administrative reconsideration and state compensation)
Intellectual property (works, trademarks, patents, etc.)
Litigation and arbitration (litigation and arbitration procedures, etc.)

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Result feedback
Feedback Report on the Questionnaire of Suzhou's "Eighth Five Year Plan" Law Popularization