Questionnaire survey on prevention of job application fraud

Source: Suzhou Public Security Bureau

Dear citizens

In order to understand the public's understanding of job application fraud, this investigation is carried out. This survey is conducted anonymously, and we hope you can fill it out truthfully.

The survey is conducted from March 12, 2024 to April 11, 2024.

1. Your gender?
2. Your age?
31 to 40 years old
Over 50
3. What is your way to find a job?
Advertisements on TV
Flyers distributed or posted
Recruitment information of website or APP
4. What kind of people do you think are easy to be cheated?
Newly graduated college students
Housewives who are out of touch with society and want to re-enter the workplace
Migrant workers
5. Do you believe that there is a job with easy money or simple high salary?
6. Have you seen any fraud prevention reminders issued by the police or cases of being cheated in finding a job?
7. How would you react if you saw the warning from the police in this regard?
Keep it in mind and be alert
They will automatically ignore it and feel that they will not encounter it
8. If you are cheated, will you choose to call the police?
As appropriate
9. For such fraud, which of the following aspects do you want the police to strengthen?
Network real name system supervision
Investigate and deal with black intermediaries
Increase publicity and improve residents' awareness of fraud prevention
Punish the publisher of false information
10. For such fraud, what kind of reminders do you think will be more effective?
Short video publicity such as dithering
Posted pictures and texts on the bulletin board of the community
Field teaching, taking case as an example
Other forms

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Result feedback
Investigation feedback on preventing fraud in job application