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Announcement on Publicly Soliciting Opinions on Abolishing the Measures of Suzhou City for Implementing the Regulations on Local Chronicles

Time: 2023-03-22 14:18 Source: Suzhou Local Chronicle Compilation Committee Office (Suzhou Local Chronicle Museum) Visits:

In accordance with the spirit of the Notice of the Municipal Government Office on Carrying out the Comprehensive and Centralized Cleaning of the City's Regulations and Administrative Normative Documents (SFB [2022] No. 247), our office plans to apply to the municipal government for the repeal of the Administrative Normative Document of the Measures of Suzhou City for Implementing the Regulations on Local Chronicles Work (SFGZ [2013] No. 2).

Main reasons for the proposed abolition:

The Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on Local Chronicles in Suzhou takes the Regulations on Local Chronicles and the Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on Local Chronicles in Jiangsu Province as the main basis for formulation. In September 2018, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Jiangsu Province issued the Regulations on the Work of Local Chronicles in Jiangsu Province, which covers the main contents of the Measures of Suzhou for Implementing the Regulations on the Work of Local Chronicles. In January 2019, the People's Government of Jiangsu Province abolished the Measures of Jiangsu Province for Implementing the Regulations on Local Chronicles.

According to relevant requirements, we are now asking for public opinions on the repeal of the Notice of the Municipal Government on Printing and Distributing the Measures of Suzhou City for Implementing the Regulations on Local Chronicles (SFGZ [2013] No. 2). If you have any comments, please put forward them before April 7, 2023 through the following ways and means:

1. E-mail:

2. Tel: 68617302 Contact person: Shi Lei

enclosure: Notice of the Municipal Government on Printing and Distributing the Measures of Suzhou for Implementing the Regulations on Local Chronicles

Office of Suzhou Local Chronicle Compilation Committee

March 22, 2023

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