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Municipal government executive meeting
2024-02-05 02:05
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Wu Qingwen Chairs the Executive Meeting of Suzhou Municipal Government to Deploy Key Work during the Spring Festival
Yesterday (February 4), the municipal government held an executive meeting to deploy the city's key work during the Spring Festival and review and study related issues. Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. The meeting listened to the situation of stable post and production, real estate market, transportation, market supply guarantee, cultural tourism and safe production during the Spring Festival
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The executive meeting of Suzhou Municipal People's Government listened to the proposal of the government system to undertake the work of NPC deputies and the proposal of the CPPCC. Wu Qingwen presided over the meeting
Yesterday (January 20), Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the executive meeting of the municipal government, listened to the report on the proposal of the representatives of the third session of the 17th Municipal People's Congress and the work plan of the third session of the 15th Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, and deliberated and studied relevant matters. This year, the two sessions of the Municipal People's Congress received proposals and suggestions from deputies to the National People's Congress
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Focusing on key areas, building a strong line of security, the executive meeting of Suzhou Municipal Government deployed work safety, presided over by Wu Qingwen
Yesterday (January 4), the municipal government held an executive meeting to listen to the work reports of the Municipal Scientific Research Laboratory Work Safety Special Committee, the Civil Explosive and Ship Building Work Safety Special Committee, and the Municipal Religious Places Work Safety Special Committee, and review and study related issues. Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. In the past year
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Fully support industrial enterprises to increase capital and expand production Wu Qingwen presided over the deliberation and study of relevant issues at the executive meeting of Suzhou Municipal Government
Yesterday (December 25), the municipal government held an executive meeting to review and approve in principle the Implementation Plan on Supporting Industrial Enterprises to Increase Capital and Expand Production and other matters. Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. The Plan proposes that by 2025, the city will implement 1500 projects of capital increase and production expansion for industrial enterprises of more than 10 million yuan
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Wu Qingwen Chaired the Executive Meeting of Suzhou Municipal Government to Deliberate and Study Related Matters, Improve the Quality of Legislation, and Promote the Implementation Efficiently
Yesterday (December 11), the municipal government held an executive meeting to review and approve in principle the Legislative Plan of Suzhou Municipal People's Government for 2024 (Draft) and other matters. Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. The preparation of the 2024 legislative plan of the municipal government adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, and adheres to the opposition of the party
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