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Municipal government executive meeting
2023-10-24 02:45
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Promoting the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry Wu Qingwen presided over the deliberation and study of relevant issues at the executive meeting of Suzhou Municipal Government
Yesterday (October 13), the municipal government held an executive meeting to review and approve in principle the Action Plan for High Quality Development of Suzhou New Energy Vehicle Industry (2023-2025) and other issues. Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. The Action Plan focuses on the whole new energy vehicle and its parts, automotive electronics, and intelligence
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Strive to build a world-class tourist destination. Wu Qingwen presided over the deliberation and study of relevant issues at the executive meeting of Suzhou Municipal Government
Yesterday (September 19), the municipal government held an executive meeting to review and approve in principle the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High Quality Development of Suzhou Tourism Resort. Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. It is understood that our city has 11 tourist resorts, ranking first in the country. The Opinion proposes that
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Wu Qingwen chaired the executive meeting of Suzhou Municipal People's Government to review and study relevant issues and promote the opening of public data to release the value of data elements
Yesterday (September 6), the municipal government held an executive meeting, deliberating and passing in principle the "Suzhou Public Data Opening Implementation Rules" and other matters. Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. The Implementation Rules require full life cycle management of open data such as cataloguing, application, acquisition, utilization, quality, safety, etc
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To build Suzhou gardens into shining signs of the city Wu Qingwen presided over the deliberation and study of relevant issues at the executive meeting of Suzhou Municipal Government
Yesterday (August 22), the municipal government held an executive meeting to review and approve in principle the "Suzhou Garden Classification Management Measures (Draft)" and other matters. Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our city has carried out the group protection of Suzhou gardens, and has compiled and published four batches of "Suzhou Gardens..."
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Wu Qingwen Chaired the Executive Meeting of Suzhou Municipal Government to Deliberate and Study Related Matters and Firmly Keep the Safe Production Line of Dangerous Chemicals
Yesterday (August 7), the municipal government held an executive meeting to listen to the work report of the municipal oil and gas transmission pipeline and the special committee for chemical safety production, and review and study related issues. Wu Qingwen, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the meeting. The meeting pointed out that we should resolutely implement the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on work safety
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