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Questions and Answers on Hot Issues Related to Overage Workers' Industrial Injury Insurance
Date of issue: 2024-04-26 10:34 Source: Suzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

1. Due to the needs of production and operation, the unit recently plans to recruit a 53 year old aunt who has not gone through retirement procedures. Can the unit pay only work-related injury insurance for her?

Single work-related injury insurance can be paid. In order to protect the rights and interests of workers and defuse the risk of work-related injury of the employing unit, on the basis of part-time employees, eligible employees with multiple labor relations, persons over the legal retirement age, and interns are included in the single insurance category to participate in the work-related injury insurance in Suzhou urban area (city level, Gusu District, Gaoxin District, Wuzhong District, Xiangcheng District). The term "persons over the statutory retirement age" refers to those employed by the employing unit who have reached or exceeded the statutory retirement age but not over 65 years old and have not gone through retirement procedures.

2. How does the company pay single work-related injury insurance for over aged persons?

After employing persons over the legal retirement age, the employing unit may, within the period of social insurance application for employees, hold the employment agreement signed with it, the Roster of Single Insurance Application for Employees of Enterprises in Suzhou City to Participate in Industrial Injury Insurance, and the Letter of Commitment for Persons Over the Legal Retirement Age and Interns in Jiangsu Province to Participate in Industrial Injury Insurance, Go to the social security agency in the place where the employer is insured to handle the procedures for the employment injury insurance.

3. An employee has not retired at the statutory retirement age, and now has applied for a new job. After two months of work, the company wants to pay a single work-related injury insurance for him. In this case, can the single work-related injury insurance be paid back?

No supplementary payment can be made. According to the relevant provisions of Article 6 of the Measures of Jiangsu Province for Persons and Interns Over the Legal Retirement Age to Participate in Industrial Injury Insurance, all persons over the legal retirement age shall pay the industrial injury insurance premium from the month when the employer handles the insurance procedures for them, and shall not make up the premium.

4. The employee is over age, and the unit has paid a single work-related injury insurance for him/her. During the working period, he/she was disabled due to work and was identified as Grade 9. If the unit terminates the employment relationship, can the employee enjoy the one-time work-related injury medical subsidy?

No enjoyment. According to the relevant provisions of Article 11 of the Measures of Jiangsu Province for Persons and Interns Over the Legal Retirement Age to Participate in Work related Injury Insurance: Persons over the legal retirement age who are disabled due to work during the insurance period are identified as Grade 5 to Grade 10 disability, and those who dissolve or terminate the employment relationship with the employer will not enjoy the one-time medical subsidy for work related injuries.

5. A female employee has reached the statutory retirement age, but has not paid the pension insurance for 15 years. She has applied for deferred payment, and now she finds a new job. The unit wants to pay a single work-related injury insurance for her. Will the payment of a single work-related injury insurance by the unit affect the employee's payment of pension insurance?

No impact. Those who have been approved to postpone the payment of pension insurance premiums beyond the statutory retirement age are allowed to participate in pension and medical insurance in their personal identity with reference to the flexible employment method while participating in the employment injury insurance for the single insurance type of the employer.