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Announcement on Adjustment of Operation Time of Bus No.36

Time: 2024-05-21 14:50 Source: Suzhou Transportation Bureau Visits:

In order to further optimize the public transport resources, from June 1, 2024, Bus No. 36 will adjust its operation time. The operation time will be from: Qinghua Road initial and terminal stations: 05:45-19:30, Adjust to regular shifts: 05:45, 06:15, 06:45, 07:15, 07:45, 08:15, 08:45, 09:15, 09:45, 10:15, 10:45, 11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:45, 13:15, 13:55, 14:35, 15:05, 15:40, 16:20, 17:00, 17:50, 18:40, 19:30; Su'an Initial and Terminal Station: 06:25-20:10, adjusted to regular shifts: 06:25, 06:55, 07:25, 07:55, 08:25, 08:55, 09:25, 09:55, 10:25, 10:55, 11:25, 11:55, 11:55, 12:25, 12:55, 13:25, 13:55, 14:30, 15:05, 15:45, 16:15, 16:50, 17:30, 18:20, 19:15, 20:10.

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