How do designers get rich?

In addition to being an old designer, what related sidelines can designers do to earn extra money? Now let's follow Mr. Material to check what "shortcuts" designers have to get rich.

1. Recommended index for receiving private orders

The first sideline of designing is definitely to take private orders. As a designer, who hasn't taken several orders yet, young designers will take more private work to enrich their own work cases. Why not use off work or spare time to earn some extra money to subsidize their families.

 How do designers get rich?

Advantages: not only make friends, but also subsidize your meager income
Disadvantages: Taking private jobs will consume a lot of time and energy that you should use to study and rest

2. Online order acceptance recommendation index  

It mainly focuses on Witkey, Zhu Bajie, First Design, Time Wealth, etc. Directly register an account to open a store, and you can take the task.

 How do designers get rich?

Advantages: more tasks, more orders, 10 orders a day, no breathing
Disadvantages: because it is a competitive way, you can only get money after winning the bid. Unless you have excellent design ability, you are not recommended to waste time trying for others

3. Recommended index for participating in design competition  

In addition to being famous, the design competition can also be rich. However, the level of professional design competition is relatively high. If you are competent, you can try it. Even if you don't get the bonus, it is a rare experience for you!

 How do designers get rich?

Advantages: compare with external designers, see where the gap is, and accumulate experience in design competitions
Disadvantages: At the moment when the winning list is announced, you may feel that there is a dark curtain in the competition and you are unwilling to accept it, but it doesn't matter. Winning the prize is the second priority, and the key is to participate. After all, the prize is for the "prepared" people, and you may just be a competitor.

4. Recommended index of consignment works  

They are not in the office, no longer listen to the opinions of Party A and Party B, design their favorite things with their own professional quality, and upload them to different material websites for download by many people with the same goals. In addition to economic gains, happy work may be one of the important reasons for the growing population.

 How do designers get rich?


Disadvantages: The short-term effect is very small, and it needs long-term persistence to see the return.

What other ways do you have to get rich? Please leave a message below to share with us

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