Study, propagandize and implement the spirit of the Seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee Publicity slogan:

1. Thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Seventh Central Tibetan Work Forum 2. Strive to promote long-term stability and high-quality development of Tibet in the new era under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era 3. Comprehensively implement the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era and focus on stability, development, ecology Four major events for strengthening the border 4. Ensuring national security and long-term stability, ensuring the continuous improvement of people's living standards, ensuring The ecological environment is good to ensure the consolidation of border defense and border security. 5. Strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence" and achieve the "Two Maintenance" 6. Governing the country is essential to governing the country while governing the border and stabilizing Tibet first 7. Governing Tibet according to law, enriching the people and prospering Tibet, long-term building Tibet, rallying the people and consolidating the foundation 8. Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhering to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and adhering to the system of regional ethnic autonomy 9. Protecting the ecology of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the greatest contribution to the survival and development of the Chinese nation 10. Maintaining national unity, strengthening national unity, and building a beautiful Tibet 11. Casting solid Consciousness of the community of the Chinese nation promotes exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups 12. Establish a correct view of the state, nationality, history, culture and religion 13. Enhance the commitment to the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and China Identity of socialism with characteristics 14. No lack of oxygen, no lack of spirit, no fear of hardship, higher altitude, 15. The glory of the Party shines on the hearts of the people in the border areas, 16. Gratitude to the Party Central Committee for the great motherland, Thanksgiving to the new era 17. Work hard to build a united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern Tibet

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High quality development research bank | seize the "golden key" of new quality productivity
2024-06-15 20:38:57    Source: People's Daily client Reading volume:

In midsummer and June, Liaoning and Shenyang are full of vitality. Following the interview group of "high-quality development research trip", we walked in the enterprise exhibition hall and factory workshop, constantly experiencing the surging power of new quality productivity, and feeling the strong pulse of comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China.

In the rotor workshop of SBW Group, workers are skilled in operating CNC machine tools to process precision parts, and various data of each production line are rolling on the electronic screen in real time; In the body workshop of Tiexi Plant of BMW Brilliance Automotive Co., Ltd., the mechanical arm can be flexibly turned, accurately positioned, and automatically complete the assembly, welding, and inspection tasks... The traditional impression of the factory as "stupid, big, black, and rough" is no longer present, but "smart" and "beautiful" coexist. BMW Brilliance Tiexi Plant is even a 4A tourist attraction. Little by little, the transformation reflects the accelerated convergence of new quality productivity to potential.

The new quality productivity is characterized by innovation, and the key is quality. In recent years, Shenyang has created "new" and improved "quality", and continued to blossom and bear fruit. The robot will be connected to the AI model to perform more complex tasks. The "intelligent robot" product to be released by Xinsong will have a broad application prospect in the future; From single row to 512 rows, Neusoft Medical, as the leader of domestic CT, has recently independently developed a new photon counting CT, which has smaller radiation and higher image quality; Shenyang Sansheng Pharmaceutical focuses on the development of new drugs, with more than 40 drugs on the market, 28 varieties of biopharmaceuticals under research, nearly half of which belong to the national class 1 new drugs; The micro control flywheel has mastered the world's leading complete technical system of high-speed magnetic suspension energy storage flywheel, has obtained more than 90 domestic and foreign patents, and has rapidly grown into a "unicorn" enterprise... revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of the industry, which has generated new quality productivity, supporting the breakthrough development and rapid growth of these enterprises, Become a beautiful business card of Shenyang manufacturing.

Developing new quality productivity is the internal requirement and important focus of promoting high-quality development. In September 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Heilongjiang: "Integrate scientific and technological innovation resources, lead the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity." How to get rid of the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path, and how to develop advanced productivity quality with high-tech, efficient, high-quality characteristics and in line with the new development concept? Only by grasping the "golden key" of new quality productivity, leading industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, accelerating the construction of modern industrial system, promoting the "transformation" of traditional industries, the "strengthening of muscles and bones" of emerging industries, and the "growth of muscles and bones" of future industries, can we further stimulate economic vitality and promote high-quality development. This is the answer given by Shenyang Exploration.

It is inseparable from local resource endowment, industrial foundation, scientific research conditions, etc. to be brave and good at developing new quality productive forces. In the interview with Xinsong Robot, Neusoft Medical and other enterprises, the person in charge said that the birth and development of enterprises in Shenyang are closely related to the local deep industrial foundation and excellent industrial ecology. Looking at Liaoning from Shenyang, we have accumulated profound industrial culture, hardworking and tenacious labor spirit, and the craftsman spirit of excellence, which has been passed on from generation to generation; The open-minded and calm after the ups and downs, and the unyielding in the face of challenges, are the hard core genes to create brilliance and achieve stability. As long as we comply with the requirements of the times, accelerate the application of new technologies such as digital and artificial intelligence, vigorously develop intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing, and focus on cultivating future industries, the old industrial base will breed more new quality productivity.

To develop the new quality productive forces, it is also necessary to form new production relations that are compatible with them. We are pleased to see that the Opinions on Cultivating New Quality Productivity to Promote High Quality Development is being studied and formulated, emerging industrial clusters are growing, the construction of innovation system is steadily advancing, and key core technology research has received all-round support... Liaoning is adhering to the guidance of scientific and technological innovation, further deepening the reform of systems and mechanisms, and constantly optimizing the business environment, Strive to break through the blockages that constrain the development of new quality productivity. Only by allowing all kinds of advanced and high-quality production factors to flow smoothly towards the development of new quality productive forces, can the power of high-quality development be endless and inexhaustible.

After glory, it was once difficult; Strive to break through and rise again. We firmly believe that the "Liaoshen Campaign" for the all-round revitalization of Northeast China and the revitalization of Liaoning in the new era will be able to win.

Editor in charge: Li Chenghui

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