delicious food
scenic spot
leisure time
Yellow Pages
properties for sale

Tibet continues to develop industries, improve people's livelihood and protect ecology

Tibet continues to develop industries, improve people's livelihood and protect ecology

Focus News

Lhasa interprets eight policies to promote economy, benefit people and help enterprises

The collection of prize winning works on the theme of national unity is in progress, and we should pay close attention to the submission~~

Nima County, Tibet: Improve the spirit, spirit and new cognition of farmers and herdsmen

More news

Minsheng Express

Eight 23 subsidy policies help Lhasa's economic development recover

Spicy city

Suspected of illegal operation, a driver in Lhasa was investigated!

Community information

Chengdu All Things Outlets Show up in New World, North of Lhasa

Life Square

Lhasa housing subsidies come!

Lianbo Tibet

Xizang Chomei: Take the Road of Green Development with "Scenery" Resources

2024 Rural Teacher Plan Sign up Ends Three Teachers Sign up in Tibet

Tibetan culture

Beads form a chain, feeling the historical changes in the old streets of the ancient city

Lhasa "Tibetan Opera Season" is about to start

From June 10 to June 14, five folk Tibetan opera teams from Lhasa will be in Zongjiaolu

Tibet Tourism

Tibet received 1108400 tourists during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday

Half price discount for admission to Potala Palace on national statutory holidays

The Potala Palace Management Office has indicated that it has not authorized the sale to any third party organization or individual at present

Government WeChat

Tibet National Tax
Shannan Tourism
Tibet Library
Milin Tourism Administration
China Tibet Online
Shigatse Justice
tibet daily
Shigatse Grain

Governmental microblog

Tibet Gaofa
Lightning protection center
Issued by Tibet
Tibetan Communist Youth League
Lin Zhi Political and Legal Committee
Tibet Disabled Persons' Federation
Tibet Fire Protection
Ali Tourism

County network group

Dangxiong County
Qushui County
Gaer County
Pulan County
Zhada County
Naqu County
Jiali County
For example, county
Lin Zhi
Linzhi County
Motuo County
Bomi County
Karo area
Jiangda County
Gongjue County
Naidong County
Cuona County
Gongga County
Sangzhuzi District
Yadong County
Gyangze County