Study, propagandize and implement the spirit of the Seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee Publicity slogan:

1. Thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Seventh Central Tibetan Work Forum 2. Strive to promote long-term stability and high-quality development of Tibet in the new era under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era 3. Comprehensively implement the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era and focus on stability, development, ecology Four major events for strengthening the border 4. Ensuring national security and long-term stability, ensuring the continuous improvement of people's living standards, ensuring The ecological environment is good to ensure the consolidation of border defense and border security. 5. Strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence" and achieve the "Two Maintenance" 6. Governing the country must be based on governing the border and stabilizing Tibet first 7. Governing Tibet according to law, enriching the people and prospering Tibet, and building a solid foundation for long-term Tibetan solidarity 8. Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhering to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and adhering to the system of regional ethnic autonomy 9. Protecting the ecology of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the greatest contribution to the survival and development of the Chinese nation 10. Maintaining the unity of the motherland, strengthening national unity, and building a beautiful Tibet 11. Building a solid foundation Consciousness of the community of the Chinese nation promotes exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups 12. Establish a correct view of the state, nationality, history, culture and religion 13. Enhance the commitment to the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and China Identity of socialism with characteristics 14. No lack of oxygen, no lack of spirit, no fear of hardship, higher altitude, 15. The glory of the Party shines on the hearts of the people in the border areas, 16. Gratitude to the Party Central Committee for the great motherland, Thanksgiving to the new era 17. Work hard to build a united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern Tibet

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Home page > Dynamics of leaders in autonomous regions
Wang Junzheng and Yan Jinhai Meets with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Rehsta
2024-04-02 17:17:47 Source: Tibet Daily Reading volume:

This is the meeting site. Photographed by reporter Dan Zengxi Dan

Recently, Wang Junzheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and Yan Jinhai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Chairman of the Autonomous Region, met in Lhasa with the delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal.

Nepal's ambassador to China Bishnu Pukar Schleista, leaders of the autonomous region Chen Yongqi and Dawa Ciren attended.

Wang Junzheng, on behalf of the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region, welcomed Schleista and his delegation. He said that China and Nepal are connected by mountains and rivers, people to people and cultural exchanges and generations of friendship. In recent years, high-level exchanges between the two countries have been close, practical cooperation in various fields has continued to deepen, and China Nepal relations have always maintained healthy and stable development. In 2019, President Xi Jinping paid a historic state visit to Nepal, pushing bilateral relations to a higher level. Last September, Premier Prachanda paid an official visit to China, and the leaders of the two countries reached important consensus on developing China Nepal relations, injecting new and strong impetus into the development of bilateral relations. The Tibet Autonomous Region is willing to work with Nepal to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, deepen practical cooperation, promote the high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" to bear fruit again, and constantly promote the strategic cooperative partnership of China and Nepal for development and prosperity.

Wang Junzheng said that Tibet and Nepal have a long history of exchanges and exchanges. Last year, I led a delegation from the Tibet Autonomous Region to visit Nepal to exchange in-depth views on promoting practical cooperation between the two sides in various fields. Tibet will fully implement Xi Jinping's diplomatic thinking, conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee's foreign policies, give play to its regional, geographical and cultural advantages, closely combine the development and opening up of Tibet with the promotion of the prosperity and development of China Nepal relations, constantly increase friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation with Nepal, and contribute to deepening China Nepal traditional friendship and bilateral relations. Closer economic and trade exchanges, strengthen infrastructure connectivity, accelerate the construction of border trade markets, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of China Nepal trade; Implement more "small and beautiful, benefit people's livelihood" aid projects in Nigeria; We should increase people to people and cultural exchanges, deepen sister city cooperation, strengthen tourism cooperation with Nigeria, promote cultural and tourism resources, vigorously promote people to people connections, and make positive contributions to the development of China Nepal relations. It is hoped that the delegation led by Vice Premier Schleista will take a more extensive walk in Tibet and introduce a more beautiful, prosperous and open Tibet to the Nepalese people and the international community in a comprehensive, objective and true way, so that the world can better understand Tibet and let Tibet go to the world faster.

Schleista affectionately reviewed the long history of non-governmental ties, cultural exchanges and civilized exchanges between Nigeria and China, highly appreciated the great achievements made in the economic and social development of Tibet, China, and fully affirmed the achievements and broad prospects of bilateral cooperation. He said that Nigeria and China are traditionally friendly and interdependent, and always respect and support each other. Nigeria firmly adheres to the one China principle, attaches great importance to developing friendly cooperative relations with China, and attaches importance to exchanges and exchanges with various regions of China. Tibet is an important gateway for exchanges between China and South Asian countries. Nepal cherishes the friendly relations with the Tibet Autonomous Region and is willing to actively participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road", further strengthen exchanges and exchanges with Tibet, promote mutually beneficial cooperation in trade, investment, agriculture, tourism, port construction and other fields, and promote common development.

Editor in charge: Feng Yanling

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