Study, propagandize and implement the spirit of the Seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee Publicity slogan:

1. Thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Seventh Central Tibetan Work Forum 2. Strive to promote long-term stability and high-quality development of Tibet in the new era under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era 3. Comprehensively implement the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era and focus on stability, development, ecology Four major events for strengthening the border 4. Ensuring national security and long-term stability, ensuring the continuous improvement of people's living standards, ensuring The ecological environment is good to ensure the consolidation of border defense and border security. 5. Strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence" and achieve the "Two Maintenance" 6. Governing the country must be based on governing the border and stabilizing Tibet first 7. Governing Tibet according to law, enriching the people and prospering Tibet, and building a solid foundation for long-term Tibetan solidarity 8. Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhering to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and adhering to the system of regional ethnic autonomy 9. Protecting the ecology of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the greatest contribution to the survival and development of the Chinese nation 10. Maintaining the unity of the motherland, strengthening national unity, and building a beautiful Tibet 11. Building a solid foundation Consciousness of the community of the Chinese nation promotes exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups 12. Establish a correct view of the state, nationality, history, culture and religion 13. Enhance the commitment to the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and China Identity of socialism with characteristics 14. No lack of oxygen, no lack of spirit, no fear of hardship, higher altitude, 15. The glory of the Party shines on the hearts of the people in the border areas, 16. Gratitude to the Party Central Committee for the great motherland, Thanksgiving to the new era 17. Work hard to build a united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern Tibet

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Home page > Dynamics of leaders in autonomous regions
Wang Junzheng Hosted the Study Meeting of the Theoretical Study Center Group of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region
2024-04-01 18:49:18 Source: Tibet Daily Reading volume:

Recently, Wang Junzheng, the secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, presided over the learning meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region. It stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's economic thought and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the development of new quality productive forces, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, develop new quality productive forces based on reality and local conditions, and strive to build a new socialist modern Tibet.

Cao Li, the deputy director and professor of the Economics Department of the Central Party School, made a special guidance report, comprehensively and systematically interpreted the new qualitative productivity in simple terms, which has both theoretical and practical depth, bringing new inspiration and gains for everyone to understand and accurately grasp the rich connotation of the new qualitative productivity.

Wang Jun pointed out in his speech that Xi Jinping's economic thought is an important part of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, a valuable ideological crystallization formed by the CPC's unremitting exploration of the path of socialist economic development, and the latest theoretical achievement of Marxist political economy in contemporary China and the world in the 21st century. General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on the development of new quality productive forces profoundly elaborated the scientific connotation, core essence and essential requirements of new quality productive forces, scientifically answered the major theoretical and practical questions on the development of new quality productive forces, further enriched the connotation of Xi Jinping's economic thought, pointed out the direction of progress for us to do our work well, and provided fundamental guidance. All departments at all levels in the region should improve their political standing, deeply study and understand the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, stand on the political height of deeply understanding the decisive significance of "two establishment", resolutely achieve "two maintenance", accurately grasp the significance of developing new quality productivity, and consciously remember that high-quality development is the hard truth of the new era, We should integrate our thoughts and actions into the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, persevere in the implementation of the "four major events", and strive to find a high-quality development path that conforms to the reality of Tibet and highlights the characteristics of Tibet.

Wang Junzheng stressed that we should adhere to the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Tibet work and the Party's strategy for Tibet governance in the new era, actively cultivate and develop new quality productivity, and strive to promote long-term stability and high-quality development.

Tibet, as a special frontier ethnic area, has a relatively weak economic foundation, so the development of new quality productive forces cannot be rushed to success, and we should adopt a one size fits all approach. We should identify Tibet's strategic position in the overall situation of the country, place Tibet's work in the overall situation of Chinese modernization, plan and promote it, adhere to the reality of Tibet, combine the needs of the country, Tibet's ability, the people's expectations, and the future direction, and ensure that Tibet's high-quality development has vitality and potential in the future. Integrate the overall national security concept into the whole process of developing new quality productivity, adhere to the need for police force and combat effectiveness from science and technology, accelerate the promotion and application of scientific and technological innovation in production, life and social governance, improve the modernization level of social governance system and governance capability, and constantly consolidate the foundation for long-term stability. Firmly grasp the "bull's nose" of scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the construction of innovation base platforms such as key laboratories and technological innovation centers, increase the application of cutting-edge technology in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", develop clean energy industry according to local conditions, accelerate the development of emerging industries such as general aviation and digital economy, transform, upgrade and optimize traditional industries, Efforts have been made to transform Tibet's resource advantages into economic advantages and development advantages, and new achievements have been made in promoting high-quality development. We will unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development, enhance the role of science and technology in ecological environment protection, accelerate the innovation of green science and technology and the promotion and application of green advanced technology, develop the carbon sink economy, promote industrial ecology and ecological industrialization, and constantly build the national ecological security barrier. Adhere to the principle of both stationing troops and pacifying the people, attaching equal importance to strengthening and prospering the border, and take science and technology as the support to accelerate the construction of the platform for the joint defense of the Party, the government and the army, the police and the people, and constantly improve the ability to strengthen border defense.

Wang Junzheng stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's economic thought, accurately grasp the requirements of developing new quality productive forces, strive to form a new type of production relationship suitable for it, and enhance the momentum of high-quality development in Tibet. We will continue to deepen reform, implement the three-year plan of action for scientific and technological reform, plan and deploy a number of high-quality enterprises to settle in Tibet, stimulate the vitality of production factors such as knowledge, technology and management through reform, stimulate the innovation of state-owned enterprises, and provide inexhaustible impetus for the development of new quality productivity. We will continue to promote high-level opening up, deepen exchanges and practical cooperation with countries along the "Belt and Road", and comprehensively promote the construction of open channels, platforms and hubs to provide a broad market for new quality productivity. We will continue to optimize the business environment, earnestly implement our district's policies and measures on optimizing the business environment, support the development of specialized, special and new enterprises, encourage enterprises to create more Tibetan business cards, cultivate new quality productivity, and provide a good atmosphere for the development of new quality productivity. We will continue to smooth the virtuous circle of education, science and technology, and talents, deepen the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the talent zone, meet the needs of economic and social development, deepen the work of "recruiting talents", introduce and pool urgently needed talents, and strive to form a working mechanism to make outstanding talents stand out, truly make talents play a role, realize value, and provide intellectual support for the development of new quality productivity. To continuously improve the style of work, leading cadres should think deeply, follow up in a timely manner, learn Xi Jinping's economic thought from reality, more consciously use Xi Jinping's economic thought to guide and solve practical problems, and constantly improve their ability and level to grasp the new development stage, implement the new development concept, and build a new development pattern, Effectively translate learning achievements into vivid practices to promote high-quality development of plateau economy; All departments at all levels should identify the combination and entry point of their own work in the development of new quality productivity in line with local conditions, fully grasp the implementation, vigorously implement the implementation, be realistic and pragmatic, dare to do well to grasp the implementation, and apply the means and capabilities of work effectiveness testing to provide a strong guarantee for the development of new quality productivity.

Editor in charge: Feng Yanling

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