Study, propagandize and implement the spirit of the Seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee Publicity slogan:

1. Thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Seventh Central Tibetan Work Forum 2. Strive to promote long-term stability and high-quality development of Tibet in the new era under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era 3. Comprehensively implement the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era and focus on stability, development, ecology Four major events for strengthening the border 4. Ensuring national security and long-term stability, ensuring the continuous improvement of people's living standards, ensuring The ecological environment is good to ensure the consolidation of border defense and border security. 5. Strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence" and achieve the "Two Maintenance" 6. Governing the country is essential to governing the country while governing the border and stabilizing Tibet first 7. Governing Tibet according to law, enriching the people and prospering Tibet, long-term building Tibet, rallying the people and consolidating the foundation 8. Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhering to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and adhering to the system of regional ethnic autonomy 9. Protecting the ecology of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the greatest contribution to the survival and development of the Chinese nation 10. Maintaining national unity, strengthening national unity, and building a beautiful Tibet 11. Casting solid Consciousness of the community of the Chinese nation promotes exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups 12. Establish a correct view of the state, nationality, history, culture and religion 13. Enhance the commitment to the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and China Identity of socialism with characteristics 14. No lack of oxygen, no lack of spirit, no fear of hardship, higher altitude, 15. The glory of the Party shines on the hearts of the people in the border areas, 16. Gratitude to the Party Central Committee for the great motherland, Thanksgiving to the new era 17. Work hard to build a united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern Tibet

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Looking forward to every "encounter" with the museum
2024-05-17 17:58:41    Source: Nanfang Daily Reading volume:

Go to the National Museum to enjoy the jade dragon that enjoys the reputation of "the first dragon in China", to the Sanxingdui Museum to see the bronze standing figure known as the "king of bronze statues in the world", to the Nanyue King Museum to see the only complete silk jade clothing of the Han Dynasty in China... At the time of the 48th International Museum Day, we might as well walk into treasure houses with profound cultural heritage, To lament the wisdom of the ancients and feel the popularity of culture.

How hot is the museum craze? During the May Day holiday, more than 6000 museums across the country received 50.54 million tourists. Among them, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other nine provinces received more than 2 million tourists. From the perspective of age, more and more young people fall in love with "cultural and museum tours" and enjoy the unique tourism romance of "being a museum and going to a city". Every love should not be let down. In order to better meet the needs of tourists, museums in many places have also shown their utmost sincerity. For example, by adding tickets, opening museums in advance, extending time and other measures, they have facilitated a beautiful encounter between tourists and Chinese culture.

A museum is a big school. Strolling through museums, they tell stories of the vicissitudes of life and prosperity in silence, and look at thousands of years in every square inch; It also witnessed the history of the country and moved the roots of the nation. The theme of this year's International Museum Day is "museums are committed to education and research", focusing on the basic role of education and research in various museum businesses, so as to better play the important function of museums to educate people with culture.

Let's start with the role of education. There are many valuable cultural relics and even "national treasures" in the museum, which demonstrate China's millions of years of human history, 10000 years of cultural history, and 5000 years of civilization history. They are important places to provide education for the public. According to the statistics of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, 34000 offline exhibitions, nearly 230000 educational activities and 578 million visitors will be held in museums in 2022; Nearly 10000 online exhibitions and more than 40000 educational activities were launched, and the number of new media visitors exceeded 10 billion, making it the largest off campus education system. In addition, through continuous improvement of the free museum opening policy, more than 90% of China's museums have achieved free opening. In the context of diverse activities and adequate supply, visiting museums has become a way of life, learning and growth for people.

Let's talk about the role of research. The museum is a bridge connecting the past, the present and the future. The most important cornerstone of this bridge is research. Only by protecting and managing the cultural relics embodying the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, strengthening research and utilization, and letting history speak and cultural relics speak, can we not only inherit the achievements and glory of our ancestors, enhance national self-esteem and self-confidence, but also remember the setbacks and lessons of history, so as to avoid detours and make better progress. In addition, from the collection and protection of museum collections to value mining, to public education, open services, cultural and creative product development, these works need to be based on research. It is not difficult to find that the two core functions of museums - education and research - are interrelated and mutually reinforcing, which helps to truly realize the "meeting" and "communication" between the collections in the museum and the audience.

Culture is rooted and civilization is active. Inheriting the blood of culture is no longer just a yellowing memory in history books. The museum records the "wonderful life" of the ancients, and also contains the "poetry and distance" of modern people, which is full of fun and reverie. We hope that with the full play of the museum's education and research functions, the precious heritage that carries splendid civilization, inherits historical culture and maintains the national spirit can shine again in the new era! (Stator)

Editor in charge: Ge Sangyangzong

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