Study, propagandize and implement the spirit of the Seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee Publicity slogan:

1. Thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Seventh Central Tibetan Work Forum 2. Strive to promote long-term stability and high-quality development of Tibet in the new era under the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era 3. Comprehensively implement the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era and focus on stability, development, ecology Four major events for strengthening the border 4. Ensuring national security and long-term stability, ensuring the continuous improvement of people's living standards, ensuring The ecological environment is good to ensure the consolidation of border defense and border security. 5. Strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence" and achieve the "Two Maintenance" 6. Governing the country must be based on governing the border and stabilizing Tibet first 7. Governing Tibet according to law, enriching the people and prospering Tibet, and building a solid foundation for long-term Tibetan solidarity 8. Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhering to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and adhering to the system of regional ethnic autonomy 9. Protecting the ecology of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is the greatest contribution to the survival and development of the Chinese nation 10. Maintaining the unity of the motherland, strengthening national unity, and building a beautiful Tibet 11. Building a solid foundation Consciousness of the community of the Chinese nation promotes exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups 12. Establish a correct view of the state, nationality, history, culture and religion 13. Enhance the commitment to the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and China Identity of socialism with characteristics 14. No lack of oxygen, no lack of spirit, no fear of hardship, higher altitude, 15. The glory of the Party shines on the hearts of the people in the border areas, 16. Gratitude to the Party Central Committee for the great motherland, Thanksgiving to the new era 17. Work hard to build a united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern Tibet

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Home page > State Council News
Ding Xuexiang Attends the Opening Ceremony of the Seventh Digital China Construction Summit and Investigates in Fujian
2024-05-25 18:29:05    Source: Xinhua News Agency Reading volume:

Ding Xuexiang attended the opening ceremony of the 7th Digital China Construction Summit and stressed that

Leading high-quality development of digital economy with scientific and technological innovation

Xinhua News Agency, Fuzhou, May 24 The 7th Digital China Construction Summit opened in Fuzhou on May 24. Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech.

On May 24, the 7th Digital China Construction Summit opened in Fuzhou. Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. Photographed by Yan Yan, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

Ding Xuexiang said that building a digital China is an important engine for promoting Chinese style modernization. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has elevated the development of the digital economy to a national strategy. Through joint efforts from all sides, the construction of a digital China has achieved remarkable results. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has developed in depth, and the digital wave has swept the world, constantly promoting the formation and development of new quality productivity. We should accelerate the construction of digital China, give full play to China's massive data and rich application scenarios, do everything possible to release the value of data elements, comprehensively empower economic and social development, and shape new momentum and advantages for high-quality development.

Ding Xuexiang stressed that we should firmly grasp the "bull's nose" of independent innovation of key core technologies, strengthen major scientific and technological breakthroughs, and systematically improve the independent innovation capability of digital technology. We will make greater efforts to promote the optimization and upgrading of digital infrastructure, coordinate the construction of 5G networks and gigabit optical networks, and accelerate the construction of a nationwide integrated computing network. We will continue to promote the digital transformation and development of the economy and society, accelerate the development of the core industries of the digital economy, and thoroughly implement the "artificial intelligence+" action. Comprehensively deepen the market-oriented allocation reform of data elements, improve the property rights system and income distribution mechanism, and promote high-quality supply and efficient circulation of data. Expand open cooperation in the digital field, actively participate in the construction of relevant international rules such as cross-border data flow, and promote the creation of an open, fair, just and non discriminatory digital economy development environment.

The theme of this summit is "releasing the value of data elements and developing new quality productivity". About 1200 people, including local and departmental leaders, business people, industry organization leaders, experts and scholars, attended the opening ceremony.

On May 24, the 7th Digital China Construction Summit opened in Fuzhou. Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. During his stay in Fujian, Ding Xuexiang went to Fuzhou Software Park, Ruixin Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Xiamen University, and the Ka Geng Innovation Laboratory to focus on the development of digital economy and investigate technology research and development, industry cultivation, talent cultivation, etc. On May 23, Ding Xuexiang made a survey in the exhibition hall of "Digital China · Starting Point of Practice" in Fuzhou Software Park. Photographed by Yan Yan, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

During his stay in Fujian, Ding Xuexiang went to Fuzhou Software Park, Ruixin Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Xiamen University, and the Ka Geng Innovation Laboratory to focus on the development of digital economy and investigate technology research and development, industry cultivation, talent cultivation, etc. He pointed out that it is necessary to create a good industrial ecology, promote the accelerated integration of digital technology and thousands of industries, and strengthen and optimize the digital economy. We should face the needs of the industry, strengthen the collaboration between industry, university and research, accelerate talent training and scientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the industrialization of innovative achievements. Ding Xuexiang visited the achievement exhibition of the 30th anniversary of the implementation of the "3820" strategic project, and made a field visit to the ecological governance of the Tanghu Lake and the ecological protection of the Minjiang River basin. He fully affirmed the achievements of Fujian's ecological civilization construction, and hoped that Fujian would thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, adhere to the blueprint to the end, persevere in strengthening ecological environment protection and governance, and support high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment.

Editor in charge: Ge Sangyangzong

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