Youzan officially joined Alipay applet to integrate Alibaba's ecological traffic and help store businesses grow

Fast transit network September 15 News (reported by Li Nan) Today, SaaS The service provider Youzan announced that Alipay Applet The cooperation was reached and the "Alipay Store App Marketing Solution" was released. Youzan will help store businesses it serves access Alipay applet, and Alipay will open a multi terminal traffic portal for stores with Youzan, and provide multi-dimensional support such as traffic support, activity support, and ecological resource support.

Up to now, more than 100 Youzan businesses, including DQ Ice Cream, Wenfeng World, Xugeyuanba Birthday Cake, Baitao Saying, have successfully accessed Alipay applet, gained brand exposure and traffic support, and achieved refined operation and improved user retention through Alipay applet and Youzan's rich operating tools.

(DQ Ice Cream Dairy Queen Alipay applet has been launched, provided by Youzan technology Support)

Traffic+resources comprehensive support, Alipay applet in-depth support for like-minded merchants

As the leader of domestic applet services, Youzan has served 5.43 million merchants, of which 70% have physical stores. For Youzan merchants, the super app Alipay with 1.2 billion users has inestimable traffic value and user operation value. The Alipay applet also needs access to high-quality stores with large size to enrich its business ecosystem and provide users with more diversified services.

Based on this, the cooperation between Youzan and Alipay applet was successfully achieved. According to the introduction of Alipay applet, it will provide many supports for merchants with Zanmen stores, such as traffic exposure, marketing activities and ecological resources.

Alipay will open centralized channel traffic (including Alipay homepage, member channel, Huipay, Huabei channel, credit channel community Multiple traffic portals of Life Channel), merchants' self operation portals (including multiple portals such as payment success page, life number, friend TAB, applet collection, search bar, card package, etc.), help merchants with Zanmen stores to improve their traffic exposure, efficiently obtain customers and clinch deals.

(Alipay will provide diversified traffic access for merchants with Zanmen stores)

In addition, the likes of merchants who access Alipay's applet will be able to participate in Alipay's diversified official marketing activities, including urban consumption vouchers Gather five blessings And other national marketing activities. With the support of Alipay's "ecological support" policy, Youzan high-quality merchants can also get weighted support from Alipay's public domain traffic, search sequencing, shading word exposure, event investment attraction and other aspects.

How can stores use "Alipay applet+Youzan" to achieve performance growth?

Official data shows that Alipay has launched more than 1 million small programs, and the number of monthly active users has exceeded 500 million. It is worth noting that 70% of Alipay's million level applets are concentrated in offline business life services, with strong service attributes and tool attributes.

This also means that Alipay applet will be an important carrier for store merchants to connect and serve consumers, and also a tool closer to "money".

In addition to Alipay's traffic and resource support, Youzan stores can use Alipay's applet and Youzan's rich operating tools to connect users at the self operating entrance of Alipay App for refined operation.

It is understood that the self operation portals of Alipay App include Alipay life number, applet message push, applet collection, payment success page, etc. With these portals, businesses with likes can obtain customers and retain applets.

In addition, store merchants can also channel stores and increase customer flow and transaction volume through the capabilities of "online coupon collection+store verification", "online order placement+self delivery at the store" provided by Youzan; Improve user stickiness through membership cards, membership discounts and other capabilities.

(Alipay applet+Youzan operation path)

Alipay's huge traffic portal, powerful user connection attributes of small programs, and rich private domain operation tools will provide a complete set of customer acquisition transaction retention paths for stores and businesses to quickly improve their performance.

Access to Alipay applet is also an important step for Youzan to provide multi-channel business capability for merchants. Previously, You Like has been realized WeChat , Fasthand, Baidu micro-blog With multi-channel access such as Aiguang, Momo and Yingke, merchants can conduct channel layout according to their own commodities and user attributes.

It is also based on strong channel layout capability and stable product technology capability that Youzan helped merchants achieve 64.5 billion transactions in 2019. After reaching cooperation with Alipay applet, Youzan merchants will surely usher in a new round of growth.

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