About FTN

   Fast transit network Launched in 2009, it is the TMT industry information website under Beijing Sutu Network Technology Co., Ltd. (Sutu Network for short). At present, it has become the wind vane of the development of Internet+.

Speedway has always focused on the release and sharing of Internet development application trends such as mobile Internet, industry information, unicorn, venture capital, games, finance and so on.

By the end of 2023, nearly 100000 articles have been published. As an early domestic information website focusing on the TMT field, Sutu has always focused on in-depth reports on start-ups, unicorns and listed companies. It has paid attention to more than 100000 enterprises in total, of which 60% have obtained excellent institutional investment through reports.

In terms of content production and content operation, STN has built a team and formed a strong industry competitiveness. The core teams of content production are all from established media such as Beijing Daily, 21st Century Economic Report, Southern Metropolis Daily, IT Manager World, Sales and Marketing.

The original columns, such as Sutu's camp, Sutu's in-depth comments, are well received by IT, Internet enterprises and users; More than 300 offline salons have been held for Speedway, and tens of thousands of people have participated in them; Among them, the research report on Internet hot trends produced by Speedway Research Institute every day has been widely reprinted and quoted by mainstream media, and has become one of the important data sources for enterprise decision-making and market analysis.

  Profile of Sutu Network Group

Beijing Sutu Network Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Fast transit network )Founded in 2009, it is a brand ecological service provider based on new media and new technology. The three major sectors of its new marketing, new media and new marketing research center are quality efficiency synergy and mutual support. They are the "business circle" of intensive cultivation of Speedway and jointly help brands to enter the fast lane.

Sudu New Marketing , focusing on brand effectiveness services, aiming at "making every sound" and providing one-stop brand new marketing services for enterprises.

Eight new marketing services of Speedway: The implementation of the whole case of effect marketing, the creation of the whole ecology of popular IP, the full coverage of video marketing, event word-of-mouth marketing, the ecological management of public opinion, the response to public opinion crisis and potential energy transformation, the management of corporate media construction, and the full network communication of corporate positive energy.

The depth of four new marketing industries of Speedway: Internet solutions, entertainment solutions, health solutions, financial and financial solutions.

Speedway New Marketing adheres to the principle of "S0T0 effective marketing":

Speed: Rapid response, integration of superior forces and coordinated operation;

Occasion: seize the opportunity to form a strong joint force inside and outside the brand;

Target: focus on the target, have a target, and achieve breakthrough;

Obervation: deep insight, real-time adjustment, and pursuit of extreme efficiency.

The "new" service concept of Sudu New Marketing:

New scheme: provide customized new scheme for each customer and brand empowerment;

New thinking: practical verification, effect first, new thinking creates new opportunities for brands;

New communication: no communication, no marketing, explore new impetus for brand promotion, and help brand drive;

New platform: audience, creativity, tools, resources, four in one, accompanying service, achieving new public awareness.

Speedway New Media: Heard from friends, six famous IPs, 80 million fans, more than 2000 partners, including Baoma Guo Rourou, eight and a half good movies, Creative Club, Daily Yoga, and Internet News... Fast New Media takes solving the "traffic dilemma" as its own responsibility, builds its own flow pipeline with the help of new technologies and platforms, accumulates flow and operational flow, and makes the flow pool a source of water.

New Marketing Joint Research Center: The "New Marketing Joint Research Center" was established in 2018, jointly sponsored by the Business School of Renmin University of China, which "understands Chinese management best", and the "brand ecological service provider" Fastway Network. "Center" is based on academic research and cutting-edge practice, goes deep into enterprises to enter the industry benchmark, tracks, develops and promotes more effective marketing experience and models, reveals new marketing passwords and "magic cube" laws in an all-round way, and becomes a smart platform for new marketing of enterprises.

Speedway Network is headquartered in Beijing and has branches or offices in Shanghai, Zhengzhou and Shenzhen. The total number of employees has exceeded 400, with an average age of 26.

Speedway Network has won many government or industry honors by virtue of its service ability and ecological innovation. From 2017 to 2019, Speedway Network won a series of awards, including "Top 30 Cultural Enterprises in the Capital", "We Media Company of the Year", "TopDigital Innovation Award", and "IAI International Advertising Award".

   contact us:

Sutu Network (Beijing Sutu Network Technology Co., Ltd.)

Tel: 68462438

Email: news@sootoo.com