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Introduction [The first comprehensive online area of boutique Asia]!!! 002316 Asian Union Development was punished, and shareholder claims are expected

[The first comprehensive online area of boutique Asia]!!! Today, the attention of the whole network is very high. What's the specific situation? Let's see what's going on!

 Boutique Asia Comprehensive Online Zone 1

Comprehensive Zone 1 Middle School

Boutique Asia Comprehensive Online Zone 1

The alma mater is the hub of the "alumni economy". Wuhan University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xiamen University, Chengdu University, Sun Yat sen University, Wuxi and Huzhou are the "alternative", lacking the support of local famous "alma mater". Pangpai News (www.thepaper. cn) noted that the two places turned their eyes from "schools" to "people", and made good use of the strong local atmosphere of valuing education, the large number of college graduates, as well as the advantages of coordinated economic and social development and attracting talent gathering to do a good job of "alumni" articles. Wuxi has established the "Taihu Bay University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Association" in conjunction with the alumni association of dozens of colleges and universities in Wuxi to tap projects and talent resources around key industrial chains, industrial clusters and future industrial layout; Huzhou links the only 985 universities in the province and sets the last weekend of August every year as the "Zhejiang University Alumni Day", which is the first city in China to set up the "985 University Alumni Day".  

In 2021, Wuxi will unite 50 "211", "985" and "double first-class" universities to establish the Taihu Bay University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Association in the Wuxi Alumni Association. At present, there are 83 alumni associations of universities in Wuxi, and ten special committees have been established, including projects, venture capital, technology and business travel; It also formed an "alumni economic partner" with the alumni associations of 14 colleges and universities, and formed an alumni economic city alliance with many cities. "Holding the alumni economic thought sharing exchange is not only a link to the global alumni and university resources, but also a path to promote high-quality economic and social development." Zhou Changqing, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and head of the United Front Work Department, said at the first "alumni economic thought sharing exchange".

There is only one "985 university" in Zhejiang University, and 21 of the 23 disciplines selected in the "double first-class" construction list are in Zhejiang University. Taking the alumni of Zhejiang University as the link to achieve talent gathering and project implementation has become a key task of Huzhou, which is adjacent to Hangzhou. The local government has cooperated with Zhejiang University to carry out four rounds of "1381" actions (one co construction goal, three platforms, eight projects, and 100 cooperation projects each year). The "Huzhou Zhejiang University Alumni Association" has more than 1400 registered alumni, whose majors and industries involve economy, finance, scientific research, education, medical care, rural revitalization, etc.

In addition to the establishment of Tsinghua University Wuxi Institute of Applied Technology and other institutions in Wuxi, Wuxi also has the path of "attracting talents through competition" to develop the alumni economy. The "Taihu Cup" International Elite Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Tsinghua Alumni Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Promotion Competition (Wuxi Arena), Nanjing University Global Alumni Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Wuxi Arena), etc. have been held for many times Boutique Asia Comprehensive Online Zone 1 There are both sophisticated projects and application projects with broad market prospects in the competition. For example, the development and industrialization project of high-throughput cell screening technology and equipment was independently developed by a company in Wuxi based on the achievements of the technical team of Tsinghua University, focusing on the detection and evaluation of cell screening and biological culture. The technology of many products has reached the world's leading level.

According to the 2024 List of Listed Companies of Zhejiang University Alumni released by the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center of the School of Management of Zhejiang University, etc., according to conservative statistics, as of May this year, 351 Zhejiang University alumni served as founders, actual controllers, chairman, general manager, etc. of listed companies, managed or controlled 313 listed companies, with a total market value of about 5.4 trillion yuan based on the closing price on May 17. The geographical distribution of these listed companies is centered on Zhejiang Boutique Asia Comprehensive Online Zone 1 They are concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Beijing Tianjin region, accounting for more than half in Zhejiang.

"The initial choice to start a business in Huzhou was first supported by the alumni platform of Zhejiang University Huzhou Research Institute." Zhejiang University alumni Lai Anniversary brought the scientific research achievements of energy saving control technology of fluid machinery to Huzhou three years ago and successfully transformed them. At this year's "Zhejiang University Alumni Day" activity, 12 alumni projects were signed in Huzhou. In order to embrace the "alumni economy", Huzhou launched policies to support entrepreneurship and innovation of Zhejiang University alumni, and created an alumni economic ecosystem covering special support, exclusive funds, park supporting facilities, element guarantee, etc; Establish service platform and service specialist system Boutique Asia Comprehensive Online Zone 1 To provide one-stop service for Zhejiang University alumni.

"Alumni economy is no longer a simple concept of investment attraction, but can attract high-end talents and accelerate the formation of advanced productivity." At the 2023 Taihu Talent Summit Boutique Asia Comprehensive Online Zone 1 Chen Jian, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the then president of the Taihu Bay University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Association, said that he himself was the president of Tsinghua University's Wuxi Alumni Association. More than a dozen of Tsinghua University's alumni in Wuxi were chairman of listed companies

The above is the relevant news about the first online district of Boutique Asia, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

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