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In October 2014, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed to establish a grass-roots legislative contact point system. Since the establishment of the first four grassroots legislative contact points in Shanghai Hongqiao, Jiangxi Jingdezhen, Hubei Xiangyang, and Gansu Lintao in July 2015, the "national brand" grassroots legislative contact points have covered 31 provinces (districts, cities) in China from scratch, from small to large, from individual places to the whole country. Up to now, the Law Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has set up 45 grassroots legislative contact points, radiating and driving 31 provinces (districts and cities) to set up 716 provincial grassroots legislative contact points, 320 cities (autonomous prefectures) divided into districts to set up 6634 grassroots legislative contact points, and the number of three-level contact points reached 7395.

While achieving fruitful results, the pace of building grassroots legislative contact points has not stopped. In 2023, the leaders of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress approved the establishment of 13 grassroots legislative contact points. In addition to the Beijing Financial Street Service Bureau, six are in the Northeast, Northwest, South China and ethnic minority areas, and six are in the central and eastern regions and old revolutionary base areas. On the basis of the previous 32 contact points, the coverage has been expanded, and the radiation and driving role has been expanded, so that the work of the contact points has sunk more to the grass-roots level, expanded more to remote areas, and is closer to the needs of democratic legislation, which is more conducive to the "grounding" of the legislative work.

In practice, some innovative measures are commendable. Each contact point has constantly strengthened its working position and enriched the platform and carrier for democratic public opinion expression. For example, in terms of promoting site integration, the contact point of Dalian People's Square in Liaoning Province held a symposium on "NPC deputies' duty performance week and the contact point of deputies entering grass-roots legislation"; Guizhou Bijie Contact Point has set up 9 municipal contact points to integrate with the representative "home, station and office"; Guangdong Nansha Contact Point integrates the legislative contact center, representative contact center, and the people's democratic practice center throughout the process to form a "one point three centers"; Shandong Yinan Contact Point integrates grass-roots legislative contact points with democratic public opinion platforms such as NPC deputies' contact points, social public opinion observation points, and business environment monitoring points to achieve resource sharing; Guangxi Liangqing Contact Point promotes the standardization construction of deep integration of contact points and representative contact stations, and establishes a two-way transformation mechanism of legislative suggestions and representative suggestions.

In terms of expanding coverage, Jiangxi Zhanggong Contact Point will co build the office space with the District's New Era Civilization Practice Center, and connect it with the expanded meeting of the South China Branch of the Communist Party of China and the former address of Ye Jianying's residence and the Constitution Park; Zhejiang Anji contact point solicited opinions with the help of "new residents' night talk", "representative mobile tea stall" and other carriers; The Shanxi Xinghualing Contact Point has set up comment boxes in the central service hall, the activity room of the legislative liaison officer, and each contact station respectively, and has set up the Questionnaire for Soliciting Opinions and Suggestions in the form of cards to facilitate the "voice" of the masses.

For example, Shaanxi Hanzhong Contact Point is in the process of soliciting legislative opinions and suggestions Mushroom TV HD free full version , attached great importance to the professional opinions of industry professionals, and selected 26 legislative advisory experts and 10 legal advisers for filing and review; Lintao Contact Point in Gansu Province built a people's democratic practice base throughout the process, and 43 legislative contact points set up a two-dimension code for legislative suggestions and public opinion solicitation in places where the flow of people is relatively concentrated; Ningxia Pingluo Contact Point constantly explores the function of grassroots legislative contact points in the new era in legislation, law popularization, dispute resolution, filing and review, etc., and combs and studies the problems that can be solved through legislation.

In recent years, the Law Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has paid great attention to improving the mechanism, channels and ways to absorb public opinion and pool people's wisdom in the record review work. On December 29, 2023, the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Improving and Strengthening the Filing and Examination System was adopted at the seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress Article 15 Specific requirements are put forward for the implementation of people's democracy in the whole process of record keeping and review: "Give play to the role of grassroots legislative contact points as a direct public opinion vehicle, go deep into the grassroots to understand the implementation of laws and regulations, judicial interpretation and existing problems, listen to the opinions and suggestions of grassroots people, and improve the content and quality of record keeping and review democracy."

In April 2024, the Law Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress held a symposium on record review in Chongqing. The meeting required that investigation and research should be strengthened, and opinions should be widely heard through symposiums, demonstration meetings, visits and research. We will focus on combining the record review with the work of deputies, the handling of bills and proposals, and the work of grassroots legislative contact points, so as to ensure that the people put forward opinions, express appeals, and participate in supervision through the record review system, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people. At the same time, the meeting also clearly proposed to explore ways and means of giving play to the role of grassroots legislative contact points in the record review work Mushroom TV HD free full version We will go deep into the grassroots to understand the implementation of normative documents and the existing problems, listen more to the opinions and suggestions of the grassroots people, encourage grassroots organizations to directly put forward review suggestions, and improve the democratic content and quality of filing and review.

♤ (Writer: Shao Xiangzhen)

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