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 Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14

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Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee scientifically mapped out a grand blueprint for further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese style modernization, set a new milestone in the historical process of reform and opening up, and fully demonstrated the great historical initiative, great political courage and strong responsibility of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. The political and legal organs should deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", achieve the "two maintenance", thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, and seek to further deepen the reform in the political and legal fields in a deep and practical way, To provide strong impetus and institutional guarantee for the modernization of political and legal work to support and serve Chinese modernization.

Further comprehensively deepening the reform in the field of politics and law is a powerful driving force for the modernization of politics and law to support and serve the Chinese style modernization. Promoting Chinese style modernization is the theme of further deepening reform in an all-round way, and is the banner of pooling the wisdom and strength of the whole party and the people on the new journey. Supporting and serving Chinese modernization with the modernization of political and legal work and providing strong security guarantees for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation are the clear requirements put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping, which endow the political and legal work with a new historical mission. To fulfill the responsibilities and missions of the new journey of political and legal work, we must rely on deepening reform to remove all inappropriate ideological barriers and institutional and institutional drawbacks, fully mobilize positive factors in all aspects, focus on stimulating and enhancing the vitality of political and legal work, and provide a strong impetus for the modernization of political and legal work to support and serve China's modernization.

Further comprehensively deepening the reform in the field of politics and law is the internal requirement for improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The institutional advantage is the greatest advantage of a country. The country prospers when the system prospers, and the country is stable when the system is stable Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 If the system is strong, the country will be strong. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has highlighted the main line of system building. Through comprehensively deepening reform and improving systems in all aspects, the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics has become more mature and stereotyped, demonstrating great advantages. China's socialist judicial system is an important part of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. To continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics on the new journey, we must further comprehensively deepen the reform in the field of politics and law, continue to improve and develop the socialist judicial system with Chinese characteristics, consolidate the root, promote advantages, complement weaknesses and strengths, Constantly translate the institutional advantages into work efficiency.

Further comprehensively deepening the reform in the field of politics and law is an important measure to meet the people's new expectations for social fairness and justice. Promoting social fairness and justice and improving people's well-being are the starting point and the goal of further comprehensively deepening reform. At this stage, the people's needs for a better life are increasingly widespread, especially for democracy, the rule of law, fairness, justice, security, and the environment. Political and legal organs should actively adapt to the new expectations of the people Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 , put the promotion of social fairness and justice in a more prominent position, coordinate to promote the reform of legislation, law enforcement, justice, and law compliance, accelerate the construction of a system and mechanism for the operation of law enforcement and judicial power that is unified in power and responsibility, fair and efficient, improve the guarantee mechanism for equality before the law, and strive to let the people in every legal system, every law enforcement decision Fairness and justice are felt in every judicial case.

To further comprehensively deepen the reform in the field of politics and law is an urgent need to address major risks and challenges. Preventing and resolving major risks and resolutely safeguarding national security and social stability are important responsibilities of the political and legal front. At present, the great changes that have not happened in the world in a century are accelerating the evolution. China's development has entered a period of coexistence of strategic opportunities and risk challenges, and uncertainty and unpredictable factors are increasing. Various "black swan" and "grey rhinoceros" events may occur at any time. The political and legal organs should focus on their main responsibilities, fully implement the overall national security concept, closely focus on building a higher level of safe China, further comprehensively deepen the reform in the political and legal fields, prevent risks, safeguard security, and safeguard stability with improved systems and mechanisms, and safeguard the new development pattern with a new security pattern.

The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese style Modernization, which was deliberated and passed at the plenary session, scientifically planned the overall deployment of further comprehensively deepening reform around promoting Chinese style modernization, especially the deployment of improving the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national security system and capabilities with two special chapters. The political and legal organs should have a deep understanding and accurate grasp, formulate implementation plans by benchmarking, and ensure that the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee are fully implemented in the field of political and legal affairs in the spirit of nails.

We will improve the Party's system of absolute leadership over political and legal work. Adhering to the Party's absolute leadership over political and legal work is the greatest advantage and fundamental guarantee for promoting the modernization of political and legal work. We must implement the Party's absolute leadership in all aspects of the whole process of political and legal work. We should implement the system and mechanism of "two safeguards", adhere to the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping as a political element, and firmly ensure that all the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping are conveyed and studied. All the matters instructed and assigned by General Secretary Xi Jinping are supervised and implemented, and all the major decision-making matters that need to be reported to General Secretary Xi Jinping are reported, Strictly implement the system of asking for instructions and reporting major issues to the CPC Central Committee Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 And ensure that the political and legal work is always under the absolute leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. We will improve the system of laws and regulations under the absolute leadership of the Party, fully implement the Regulations on the Political and Legal Work of the Communist Party of China, strictly implement the Working Rules of the Political and Legal Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, study and formulate suggestions on strengthening political and legal work in the new era, promote the improvement of the working system of the political and legal committees of Party committees at all levels, and improve the level of institutionalization, standardization, and scientization of the political and legal work under the leadership of the Party. We will promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the Party's innovative theory learning, establish and improve the long-term mechanism of building a soul, increasing wisdom, improving the style, and promoting work through learning. We will deliver, study, and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions as soon as possible, and persevere in arming our minds, guiding practice, and promoting work with Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. We will improve the system and mechanism for forging an iron army of politics and law in the new era, improve the mechanism for making political supervision specific, precise and regular, resolutely and thoroughly eliminate the pernicious influence of Zhou Yongkang and Sun Lijun's political gangs, strictly observe the political discipline and rules of the Party, unswervingly implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, and improve the working mechanism of "dare not corrupt, can't corrupt, and don't want to corrupt", Ensure that the political and legal team is absolutely loyal, pure and reliable.

We will improve the socialist system of rule of law with Chinese characteristics. As a new force for comprehensively governing the country according to law, the political and legal organs should fully implement Xi Jinping's idea of the rule of law, improve the rule of law system, strengthen the rule of law construction, maintain the unity of the rule of law, and promote the construction of a higher level of China ruled by law. We will deepen reform in the legislative field. We will comprehensively promote legislative reform, abolition, interpretation and codification, promote legislation in key, emerging and foreign-related fields, and improve the quality of legislation in the political and legal fields. Deeply promote administration according to law. We will promote public security and judicial administrative organs to improve the supervision system and mechanism of administrative law enforcement, improve the benchmark system of administrative discretion in areas such as administrative punishment, promote cross regional convergence of administrative law enforcement standards, and improve the two-way convergence system of administrative punishment and criminal punishment. We will improve the judicial system and mechanism for impartial law enforcement. We will improve the system and mechanism in which supervisory, public security, procuratorial, judicial and administrative judicial organs perform their respective duties, and supervisory, investigative, procuratorial, judicial and executive powers cooperate and restrict each other, so as to ensure that all aspects of law enforcement and justice operate under effective supervision. We will deepen the reform of separating judicial power from executive power, improve the national executive system, and strengthen the full supervision of the parties, procuratorial organs, and the public over enforcement activities. We will improve the judicial relief and protection system for law enforcement and the national compensation system. We will deepen and standardize judicial openness, and implement and improve the judicial responsibility system. Standardize the establishment of special courts. Deepen the reform of administrative case jurisdiction at different levels, centralized jurisdiction and jurisdiction in different places. Build a coordinated and efficient police system and mechanism. Standardize the management system of auxiliary police personnel. We will strengthen the judicial protection of human rights law enforcement, improve the working mechanism of prior review, in-process supervision, and post correction, improve the system of compulsory measures involving citizens' personal rights, as well as compulsory measures such as sealing up, detaining, and freezing, and investigate and punish crimes such as bending the law for personal gain, illegal detention, and extorting confessions by torture by taking advantage of authority in accordance with the law. We will promote full coverage of lawyers in criminal cases. Establish a system to seal minor crime records. We will improve the mechanism for building a society governed by law. We will improve the public legal service system covering urban and rural areas, and deepen the reform of the lawyer system, the notary system, the arbitration system, the mediation system, and the judicial expertise management system. Promote and improve the practice oriented education and training mechanism of law colleges. We will promote the strengthening and improvement of the protection of the rights and interests of minors, strengthen the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency, and formulate special provisions for remedial education. We will strengthen the rule of law concerning foreign affairs. We will establish a working mechanism to promote foreign-related legislation, law enforcement, justice, law-abiding and legal services, and legal personnel training. We will improve the system of foreign-related laws and regulations and the system for implementing the rule of law, and deepen international cooperation in law enforcement and justice. We will promote the improvement of judicial systems such as the parties' agreement on jurisdiction according to law and the choice of extraterritorial laws in foreign-related civil legal relations. We will promote the improvement of international commercial arbitration and mediation systems, and foster world-class arbitration institutions and law firms.

We will modernize the national security system and capabilities. Political and legal organs should fully implement the overall national security concept, focus on building a higher level of safe China, improve the system and mechanism for safeguarding national security, and ensure national security, social stability, and people's peace. We will improve the national security system. We will promote the improvement of the distribution of national security forces and build an interconnected and efficient national security protection system. We will improve the working mechanism for safeguarding national political security in the field of politics and law, resolutely prevent and resolve various political security risks, and firmly safeguard the security of state power, systems, and ideology in the face of major changes in the world. We will improve public security governance mechanisms. We will promote the improvement of the security system for handling major public emergencies, and strengthen risk prevention and control, law enforcement and justice in areas such as safe production, food and drug safety, biosafety, network security, and artificial intelligence security. We will improve the social governance system. Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 Based on prevention, mediation, the rule of law, and the grass-roots level, we should correctly handle contradictions among the people and improve the level of the rule of law in the prevention and resolution of contradictions and disputes. We will promote the legalization of complaint reporting, and realize the legalization of prevention, acceptance, handling, supervision and accountability, and maintenance of order, so that every appeal of the masses will be handled and promoted in accordance with the law. We will promote the improvement of the overall prevention and control system for social security, improve the working mechanisms for the placement of released prisoners, the management and relief of patients with serious mental disorders, and the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency, improve the normalization mechanism for combating crime and eliminate evil, and severely punish the illegal and criminal activities that the masses have strongly reflected in accordance with the law. We will promote the exploration and establishment of a unified national population management system. We will improve national security mechanisms involving foreign interests. We will promote the establishment and improvement of a coordination mechanism for security work in the surrounding areas, deepen international law enforcement cooperation in the security field, and improve the anti sanctions, anti intervention, and anti "long arm jurisdiction" mechanisms.

We will promote the implementation of reform measures to ensure high-quality development of services. Focusing on the center and serving the overall situation is the duty and mission of the political and legal organs. We should focus on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, coordinate development and security, and contribute to the rule of law for the construction of a high-level socialist market economic system and build a solid foundation for peace. Safeguard the order of the socialist market economy in accordance with the law. Based on the functions of politics and law, we should start with property rights protection, market access, fair competition, social credit and other aspects to promote the equality of business entities, orderly market competition, market allocation of resources, government supervision in place, and judicial maintenance justice. We will strictly enforce the law and crack down on illegal and criminal acts that disrupt the order of the market economy in accordance with the law. Promote the creation of a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment. Adhere to equal application of laws Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 The same responsibility, crime and punishment shall be imposed for acts that infringe upon economic property rights and legitimate interests of all forms of ownership. We will strengthen judicial protection of property rights enforcement, prevent and correct the use of administrative and criminal means to intervene in economic disputes. Cooperate to promote the citizenization of agricultural transfer population Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 We will explore the establishment of a migration system for highly skilled personnel and promote the innovation of maritime arbitration rules. Service guarantees the development of new quality productivity. We will implement and improve inclusive and prudent regulation of new industries, new models, and new drivers, strengthen judicial protection of law enforcement for scientific and technological innovation, and provide comprehensive and adequate legal protection for promoting revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries.

Adhere to the combination of top-level design and practical exploration. The top-level design and practical exploration are the "two legs" of deepening reform, which are benign interaction and cannot be neglected. To further comprehensively deepen reform in the field of politics and law, we must strengthen top-level design Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 And give more prominence to the systematic, holistic and coordinated nature of reform. It is necessary to keep in mind that "the country is the largest", identify the main contradictions and the main aspects of contradictions in the field of politics and law, strengthen systematic research, overall planning, and overall layout, and earnestly implement the major deployment made at the plenary session. The reform will inevitably encounter many new contradictions and problems, which need to be explored boldly in practice. Respect the initiative of the grassroots, guide local governments to solve problems in new fields and practices with reform methods in line with local conditions, and strive to create more new experiences that can be replicated and promoted.

We should promote reform and the rule of law. Reform and the rule of law are like the wings of a bird and the two wheels of a car, which complement and accompany each other. The improvement of the rule of law is inseparable from the promotion of reform, and the deepening of reform needs the rule of law to regulate and guarantee. Adhering to the organic unity and mutual promotion of reform and the rule of law is particularly important for further comprehensively deepening the reform in the field of politics and law. We should adhere to the rule of law track to promote reform, be good at using the rule of law thinking and the rule of law way to solve reform problems, and ensure that major reforms are based on the law. Adhere to improving the rule of law in the reform, and resolutely remove various institutional and institutional obstacles that hinder the progress of the rule of law Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 And timely upgrade the reform achievements to the legal system.

Adhere to the unity of integrity and innovation. Uprightness and innovation is an important way of thinking for our party to manage the country in the new era, and an important principle to further deepen the reform in an all-round way. Only by being honest can we not lose our direction and make subversive mistakes Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 Innovation can grasp and lead the times. The process of deepening reform is a process of innovation while keeping the focus. To further comprehensively deepen the reform in the field of politics and law, we must maintain our strong determination to maintain the same path and resolve, adhere to the four basic principles, and firmly adhere to the "four self-confidence" Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 Adhere to the theme, goal and principle of further comprehensively deepening the reform, and ensure that the reform is always in the right direction. At the same time, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the development of the times, focus on solving new contradictions, new problems and new risks, maintain the courage and boldness to innovate and tackle difficulties, and open up a new realm of reform with innovative ideas and measures. Adhere to the two-way pull of new quality productivity and new quality combat effectiveness, and the deep integration of modern information technology with political and legal work Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 And promote the reform of the quality, efficiency and motivation of political and legal work.

Adhere to the consistency of goal orientation and problem orientation. Goals lead the direction of reform. To further comprehensively deepen the reform in the field of politics and law, we must adhere to the goal orientation, closely follow the general goal of further comprehensively deepening the reform, formulate reform plans, clarify reform tasks, implement reform measures, move quickly and steadily towards the set goals, and turn the reform blueprint into reality. Problems are the motivation of reform. Reform is generated by problems and deepened in the process of constantly solving problems. We should adhere to the problem orientation, run to the problem, focus on the problem change, dare to bite the bullet, wade into dangerous shoals, and break through difficulties. We should not only focus on solving problems in development, but also pay attention to solving new problems arising from reform, ensure that the reform is targeted, and make the reform measures more precise and powerful.

Adhere to the coordination of overall promotion and key breakthroughs. Various reform measures in the field of politics and law have high relevance and strong synergy, so we must highlight the key points in the overall progress, and drive the overall progress with key breakthroughs. We should give full play to the role of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Party Committee in taking the lead in general affairs, coordinating as a whole and supervising the implementation Give in to the classmate mother I praised 14 We should establish a systematic concept, grasp the overall relevance, hierarchical structure and sequential nature of various reform tasks, strengthen the coordination and systematic integration of various reform measures, promote all aspects of reform to work in the same direction, and improve the overall effectiveness of reform in the field of politics and law. Focusing on the key areas and key links that drive the whole body, focusing on the current hot and difficult issues that are most concentrated, urgent and need to be tackled, we should adhere to the principle of breaking the barriers at the same time, first and then breaking the barriers, take targeted and effective measures, and promote the continuous breakthrough progress in the reform of the political and legal fields.

The above is the relevant news about [yield to my classmate mother 14], and I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

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