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 Bully's home visit

Bully's home visit Miaomiao writes

Closed Lu Chuan, Chen Xiaoxiao

Updated: 2024-05-27 11:47:39
"Bulling's Home Visit" completely engages the readers. Both the portrayal of Lu Chuan and Chen Xiaoxiao, as well as the appearance of other supporting actors, are wonderful. Each chapter is very touching, and people can see it in depth. What "Bulling's Home Visit" says is that when the college entrance exam is still a week away, my stepmother will come to visit my home with the banner of being good for me and an "education expert". The expert took the ruler, grabbed my hand cabinet, and forced me to smash my most cherished Gunda. What he didn't know was that the value of those handmade things was more expensive than his life!.
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One week before the college entrance examination, my stepmother came to visit my home with "education experts" under the banner of being good for me.

The expert took the ruler, grabbed my hand cabinet, and forced me to smash my most cherished Gunda.

What he didn't know was that the value of those handmade things was more expensive than his life!

When I got out of the elevator, the first thing I saw was the wide open door of my home.

From the door came the man's poor Mandarin.

"The children of senior three still play with these things!"

"When you put these things in front of you when you study, 50% of your attention will be distracted!"

"Russian educators have said that education without punishment is incomplete!"

Glancing at the camera at the door, I pushed the door open.

The room is in a mess. The hand-operated cabinet I carefully arranged is empty, and the floor is littered with hand-operated cabinets. Several newly assembled Gauda models have been broken into several pieces.

Next to them stood a man and a woman.

The man was a short man, Mediterranean, with a face of sunken eyebrows and drooping eyes, and with a one meter long ruler in his hand, he kept picking up the hand-made debris on the ground.

The woman looked young, hanging her eyebrows and eyes, with a big belly, and was holding a mobile phone video.

Hearing the news, he turned around and smiled defiantly at me.

It's my stepmother who just got the certificate from my father for three months, but the baby in her belly has been four months.

Chen smiles.

Watching the parts scattered on the ground, my heart was bleeding.

I felt a pain in my chest, and my mood turned upside down. I felt blood surging up my throat, but I held it back.

I have a characteristic.

When you are extremely angry, you are calmest.

Chen Xiaoxiao pointed the camera at me: "Ouch, our college bully has finally returned. Would you like to see who your mother invited you home?"

Chen Xiaoxiao came up to me and took my hand: "This is a famous education expert! Don't you call someone soon?"

I looked disgusted and avoided her hand.

Chen Xiaoxiao's face changed and he said painfully, "Xiao Chuan, my mother knows that you don't like me, but my mother is sincere for you!"

Then he pulled the man beside him.

"This is the expert I specially invited, Mr. Wei!"

"Teacher Wei has been teaching for more than 20 years. Not only is his child a child prodigy, but also he has brought out countless students from famous schools!"

"It took me a lot of effort to invite someone to visit you!"

I sneered: "Home visit?"

Pointing at the lock that was pried open at the door, he said, "You need to pry the lock of my house to do a home visit? You are breaking into a private house!"

Chen's smiling face stiffened.

Since my mother died, my father can't wait to bring Chen Xiaoxiao home.

I broke up with my family completely.

I moved to the house next to the school by myself.

You --

Chen Xiaoxiao was about to say something when he was stopped by the man beside him.

"Don't be so excited, Ogawa."

He came over with a ruler and looked kind: "Xiao Chuan, my name is Wei, and my name is Wei Huaying. Just call me Mr. Wei. I have already known your mother about you."

He pretended to take a stack of paper from his bag, twisted the corners with saliva, and began to read.

"Lu Chuan, a senior high school student in City A, with a physical, chemical and biological combination, scored 345 points in a model, ranking 400000 in the province."

"Model II scored 306 points, ranking 450000 in the province."

A ruler more than one meter long was knocking and knocking in his hand.

Wei Huaying grinned at me, his eyes shining with contempt.

The first chapter of the novel "Bully's Home Visit" ends.

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