Mamdoum Online Video Portal Official Website

Introduction [Mamdoum Online Video Portal]!!! Constantly build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation

[Mamdoum Online Video Portal]!!! Today, the attention of the whole network is very high. What's the specific situation? Let's see what's going on!

 Ma m Dou m Online Video Entrance

Ma m Dou m Online Video Entrance

As a bridge connecting consumers and businesses, e-commerce platform undertakes the important responsibilities of qualification review, supervision and management. If the platform can strictly check the qualification of the merchants and strengthen daily supervision, then the problem of online selling fake goods will undoubtedly be effectively curbed. Unfortunately, some e-commerce platforms neglect their own responsibilities when pursuing commercial interests. This also leads to the difficulty of claiming compensation when consumers encounter fake goods. For example, some e-commerce platforms, in order to attract merchants to settle in and improve their daily business volume, turn a blind eye to some common business practices that play the legal sidelines.

In recent years, some leading e-commerce platforms have successively launched service models such as "refund only" and "advance compensation", which have improved consumers' shopping experience and also played a positive role in curbing fake goods and deterring "smart" stores. In addition to the exploration of rules, e-commerce platforms should also strengthen cooperation with government departments to jointly combat online counterfeiting. For example, the platform should form a joint force with functional departments to combat counterfeit and shoddy goods through information sharing, clue transfer and other ways. Relevant departments should strengthen the supervision and guidance services on e-commerce platforms.

That's the news about [Mamdoum Online Video Portal]. I hope it will be helpful to you!

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