Juicy Peach Zone 1 and Zone 2 directly access the official website

Introduction [Peach Zone 1 and Zone 2 enter directly]!!! Expand the scope of the pilot or normalize the pilot policy, and the non-performing loan transfer market will be more diversified and efficient

[Peach Zone 1 and Zone 2 enter directly]!!! Today, the attention of the whole network is very high. What's the specific situation? Let's see what's going on!

 Peach Zone 1 and Zone 2 directly enter

Peach Zone 1 and Zone 2 directly enter

The extensive cultivation of "eating the sea by the sea" once made the marine ecology frequently light up a "red light". In some places, great efforts have been spent to clear and retreat offshore aquaculture, but the effect is not good. The root cause is that the problem of fishermen's livelihood has not been solved. In Fengjiawan, Wenchang, Hainan Province, we set up a modern fishery industrial park to promote fish and shrimp "going upstairs to the pool" and fishermen "getting off the boat to the park", which not only protects the ecology, but also protects the people's "purse".

The above is the relevant news about [Peach Zone 1 and Zone 2 Direct Access]. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

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