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Dark Blue

Su Xuejun 2024-05-27 09:52:56

Dark Blue


You wake up.

When you open your eyes, your vision is dark and you can't see anything; You stretch your arms and legs and do not touch other objects, but feel that the surroundings are full of liquid.

You think: where is this? Have you become a baby in the mother?

When the liquid enters the mouth, it is bitter, salty and seawater. Then, the darkness in my eyes gradually became light and dark blue. You finally confirmed that you were under a deep sea.

The feeling of suffocation followed. You didn't panic. Swimming and diving are your strengths. So you relax and swim towards the top of your head.

You swim very fast, but as time goes by, your heart gradually becomes heavy. About 200 meters up. But why is the light around still monotonous and dark blue without any change? You began to hesitate, how far away from the sea level, is the direction of progress toward the sea? In fact, when you began to float, you relied entirely on your senses. Gravity and buoyancy are so vague in your senses. Now you are more and more uncertain.

A dark shadow quickly flitted past you not far away. Is it a shark? Why go straight downstream from head to foot?

You stopped and now you have to solve a problem: which direction is the sea surface? There is only one direction of the endless deep blue water around it, which leads to the bright sea. On the contrary, it is the abyss of darkness.

You let go of all your senses to perceive, but still can't be sure; You racked your brains thinking, but the knowledge in your brain did not provide any help.

The feeling of suffocation becomes stronger and stronger, and your lungs begin to smoke and boil gradually. Your time is running out. The rope of death is getting tighter and tighter. You must make a decision immediately.

You move, accelerate gradually, and swim in the original direction.

You don't know what is ahead, light or darkness, life or death.

The moment you make a choice, your destiny is doomed.

The trial reading of the novel Star Soul Warrior: Ancient Stars in Dark Blue ended.

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Tianlai • Star Coast 2、 Like an abyss 3、 War game 4、 Star movement 5、 Big collision between heaven and earth 6、 Wild World 7、 Star Coast Dark Blue

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