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 Star Soul Warrior: Ancient Stars

Star Soul Warrior: Ancient Stars Written by Su Xuejun

Closed Xiao Wu Li Xiangyang

Updated: 2024-05-27 09:52:56
The fantasy science fiction novel Star Soul Warrior: Ancient Stars is a great original masterpiece of "Su Xuejun". The book takes Xiao Wu Li Xiangyang as the main character and mainly tells about the youth science fiction masterpiece created by the famous science fiction writer Su Xuejun of the Galaxy Award. Young and ignorant Martian human immigrants gave up all the cultural traditions originating from the earth and refused to admit that Martians are descendants of the earth people. Two thousand years later, the descendants of the Earth people who immigrated to Mars returned to Earth with a super nuclear bomb, and human civilization was faced with a life and death choice in an instant
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Tianlai • Star Coast

At that time, we had entered the era of great development of the solar system. Human footprints were all over the solar system, and permanent space bases or stations had been established on most planets. The spacecraft shuttles between the planets, and the resources of the solar system are also constantly transported to the earth, which is about to be exhausted, making the earth, the tree of civilization, grow luxuriantly and fruitfully with sufficient nutrients.

At that time, the countries on the earth still existed, and they formed a closer global alliance. The shadow of war has long gone, and mankind is enjoying a rare time of peace. But everyone knows that the universe is like a dangerous sea, which is not only densely covered with reefs, but also can set off stormy waves at any time. Therefore, before the danger comes, mankind must find another Eden, or the fate of mankind will always be uncertain.

Although manned spacecraft flying to neighboring galaxies have set sail, they will take several generations to reach their destination, and the future is unknown. All kinds of information show that there are almost no planets suitable for human survival within a few light years, and the invention of an effective and convenient interstellar travel mode has become the biggest bottleneck that mankind currently encounters.

Although we live in the best era in human history, for human civilization, it is just like an eagle flapping its wings and flying into an invisible and tenacious huge net. The beautiful and vast sky is calling us, but we are still standing still.

What will happen in the future? No one knows. Maybe we will step on the stars and become an eternal lamp of civilization in the dark universe. Maybe

1、 Stars that should not blink


A lunar truck belonging to the Helium 3 mining area is slowly driving. Because there is no shelter from the forest buildings, the weak lights can shine far. The structure of this huge car with three carriages seems very fragile, which is far less able to withstand impact than the vehicles on the earth.

Xiao Wu holds the steering wheel with both hands and looks a little nervous looking at the road ahead. In fact, there is no road ahead, only a lot of ruts. Some of these ruts have just appeared for a few days, and some have existed since the opening of the mine. Since there is no atmosphere and wind on the moon, many things that are fleeting on the earth can remain here for many years.

It took Xiao Wu more than an hour to drive the truck out of the * * ring mountain where the mine is located along the ruts. It is 20 kilometers away from the space port. There are no other facilities along the way, and there is a desolate scene everywhere. The endless mountains on the left side of the road can not be seen at the end. The jagged peaks are vaguely outlined in the light of the headlights. On the right is the boundless lunar plain, which is full of rubble and craters.

Walking alone in the deserted alien star plain was Xiaowu's ideal scene. Now he is in the scene, which makes him inexplicably excited. The magnificent scene of different stars and the vast sky are full of irresistible temptation for Xiaowu. Although he comes from an ordinary family and is not an outstanding human elite, he has not been able to become an astronaut who shuttles between the planets in his dream, but the times have changed. Being a miner has also enabled him to set foot in space, and his personal income is also good. However, these are not enough for Xiao Wu. He needs to work hard to go further one day.

While driving, Xiao Wu glances at the scenery outside the window from time to time to enjoy his own time.

Duan Yuanzheng, who was sleeping soundly with a bottle on his seat, suddenly stretched out, opened his sleepy eyes, looked around, "Only here? I'm afraid this speed will arrive tomorrow."

Xiaowu nods, and speeds up.

Xiao Wu came to the mining area two months ago to report. Duan Yuanzheng heard that he had been here for more than ten years. Although he was an ordinary miner, Xiao Wu still wanted to obey. Moreover, from several conversations, Xiao Wu thought that the old man was not simple.

Watching Xiaowu carefully bypass the small gravel on the ground again and again, Duan Yuanzheng finally couldn't stand it. "Let me drive!"

"No, the mine head specifically told you not to drive, saying that you would go crazy when you saw something similar to the steering wheel, and three excavators in the field had made you drive out of order." Xiaowu refused.

"Ignore him. In the mine, I made the fastest progress and got the highest bonus. He said that because he was unbalanced." Lao Duan said that, dragging Xiao Wu to the co driver's position, and just touching the steering wheel, he stepped down on the accelerator (accelerator is just a term used to describe, and high-density fuel cells are used in the car).

The permanent magnet superconducting motor of the lunar rover will not make noise, but Xiao Wu clearly heard a roar. Then the car was kicked by a giant and rushed out like a tiger down the mountain. Xiao Wu hurries to fasten his seat belt, but the violent shock makes him unable to fasten his seat belt. He has to bounce back and forth on the seat like a flea, which makes Lao Duan even crazier.

The moon rover billowed smoke and swept away.

"Old Duan, isn't it a desperate drive?" Xiao Wu was confused.

"What do you know? Men should be like that."

"You said that there is no shop in front of the village, and if the car is lying flat, can we walk to the spaceport in one day?"

"Although this car is weak, it is all made of high-strength alloy."

"I heard that the excavator that broke down last month deducted your bonus for one month?"

"Who cares?" Lao Duan shrugged off.

That said, the speed of the old section is still a little slow. But before long, the car body shook violently and then leaned on the roadside, and the lights of the whole car immediately went out.

"Ghost hit." Old Duan repeatedly turned the start switch, but the car didn't move at all.

"Don't you see that big stone?" Xiao Wu complained.

"Go down and have a look." Old Duan patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, and he was worried.

Xiao Wu put on his spacesuit and went outside the car through the air tight gate. The power device of the lunar rover is very simple. There are only a few fuel cells and motors, and nothing wrong can be seen. Xiaowu fiddled with it for a long time and opened his hand helplessly.

"Try kicking him," Lao Duan said in the car.

Xiao Wu kicked twice, but the car still didn't move.

"Why are you kicking like a woman?" Lao Duan roared.

Xiaowu pedaled hard, and the lights flashed on.

"The car is so cheap!" Old Duan muttered.

Before getting on the bus, Xiao Wu turns back and looks up at the sky.

Without the barrier of the atmosphere, the universe was exposed in front of him. The black void and countless stars... According to the old paragraph, these stars were like a handful of rice on the bottom of the black pan. Indeed, without the rendering of the atmosphere, the stars lost their halo and were not vivid at all. But this does not affect Xiaowu's mood. In his heart, there are countless magnificent unknown worlds.

Just then, Xiao Wu seemed to see a star winking at him. But he knew that this was an impossible phenomenon on the moon. So he looked carefully, and it was really an illusion, and the position was a dark void. Maybe there really is a star there, maybe it's our telepathy. He made a wish to the star in his illusion. In fact, there really is a star there, but if Xiao Wu knew what that star meant to human beings, he might faint on the spot.

This star is no stranger. It has existed in the solar system for billions of years, and was born almost at the same time as the earth, but now it appears in the place where it should not be

At the Lagrange point where the gravity between the earth and the moon counteracts each other, the "lookout" space telescope opens a solar panel stretching for thousands of meters, like a giant dragonfly, suspended in the vast space, and the earth and the moon become blue and silver glass balls.

The "Watcher" has been in service for three years. Every year, the ground to air shuttle will replace some vulnerable parts for it. If you want, it can stay here until the destruction of the earth or the moon.

It is by far the largest telescope of mankind, and also the largest eye of mankind to understand the universe. But for the universe, the vast amount of information it obtains is too little. Human progress is fast enough, but how can we catch up with the stars that are away from us at the speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour?

At this moment, the huge lens of the "lookout" is staring at a point in the deep universe. Its eyes have crossed the solar system, the Milky Way, and went straight to the rose nebula of the Kirin constellation.

This nebula, like a blooming red rose, looks particularly beautiful in the dark universe. The core of the rose is experiencing a supernova explosion, and the silver light is like falling dew.

The "lookout" has noticed here for several days, and has taken tens of thousands of photos. But today is destined to be different, a small black spot that can be ignored has broken into its line of sight.

This black spot makes everything else unimportant.

The trial reading of the novel "Star Soul Warrior: Ancient Stars" ends.

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