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Introduction [Banana Media 18 No Entrance]!!! Shandong Port Qingdao Port Opens 3 International Routes

[Banana Media 18 No Entrance]!!! Today, the attention of the whole network is very high. What's the specific situation? Let's see what's going on!

 Banana Media 18 No Entrance

Banana Media 18 No Entrance

On Youjia Mountain, which is 500 meters high in Hujia Group, Lifang Village, the town, you can see huge ancient trees standing straight into the sky. The largest Minnan tree has a straight trunk, and its leafy crown is like a giant green umbrella. Its girth is about 3.12 meters, its height is about 20 meters, and its age is more than 800 years. A whole area around it is also covered with some thick and thin nanmu. In addition to ancient trees, the number of nanmu seedlings can not be counted everywhere on the hillside. After discovering a large area of nanmu tree species community Banana Media 18 No Entrance Jiaotan Town Forest Director's Office has invited experts and professors from the School of Biological and Environmental Engineering of Jingdezhen University to visit the site and collect DNA samples of tree species. Through amplification, sequencing, splicing and database comparison of the extracted DNA, it is confirmed that it is a national secondary vulnerable tree species Phoebe Minnan ancient tree community.

It is understood that Minnan, commonly known as Phoebe nanmu, is a species of Phoebe phoebe, endemic to China, and is a national second class rare and endangered species. Minnan is a large evergreen tree of Lauraceae, Phoebe genus. Its wood is fragrant and durable, light yellow, fragrant, dense and tough. It is a good material for superior architectural furniture, craft carving and shipbuilding. Due to environmental impact and man-made deforestation, Nanmu is becoming scarce, and has been listed as LR/nt (low risk/near risk) species in the International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources (IUCN) Red Book, and as vulnerable species in the Chinese Red List of Species. (Reporter Huang Xiangguo, produced by Hua Shan)

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