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 No online viewing of Hongtao

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No online viewing of Hongtao

This summer, museum tours continue to heat up. People walk into museums No online viewing of Hongtao We are not only satisfied with "visiting here", but also want to better feel the charm of history and culture and understand the stories behind cultural relics. In the case that the supply of museum interpretation exceeds the demand, some visitors choose to purchase non museum interpretation services. "The 2-hour charge is 2680 yuan" "the appointment explanation service is cancelled for no reason" "dominating the exhibition cabinet in the center, but also very loud"... Due to the unprofessional explanation, uneven prices, lack of supervision and other reasons, the relevant explanation service not only affects the consumer's visit experience, but also interferes with the normal order of the visit, and is frequently complained and criticized by the audience.

Promote the museum to explain "upgrading". It is a compulsory course for interpreters to find a balance between accuracy and vividness and tell cultural relics knowledge in simple terms. All major museums should strengthen the construction of interpretation talent team, improve the interpretation level of interpreters through training, competitions and other forms, and help to emerge more "interesting and interesting" gold medal interpreters. In addition, the form of explanation can be further expanded. For example, Jilin Municipal Museum launched a special interpretation service for experts and researchers, asking professionals to tell stories behind cultural relics; Luoyang Museum expanded the volunteer interpretation service team to let the interpreters wear Chinese clothes and interact with the audience.

The participation of social forces is conducive to solving the problem of insufficient interpreters. In recent years, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Improving the Level of Interpretation Services in Museums and the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Opening Service of Summer Museums in 2024, advocating that all regions further improve the level of public cultural services in museums and explore innovative practices in interpretation services. The Palace Museum introduced a third-party social force to supervise non museum explanations from the aspects of qualification recognition and management. The Nanjing Museum has transformed the tour guide into a narrator, helping the travel agency and the cultural and museum venues "hand in hand" and providing optional interpretation services for the audience. Practice shows that the quality of interpretation service can be continuously improved by adapting measures to local conditions and being brave in innovation.

We should also strengthen supervision, establish and improve credit mechanisms such as "blacklist" and "whitelist", and effectively standardize non library interpretation services. Some museums explore mechanisms such as application for filing, training and assessment, and employment with certificates. They include individuals or groups with good reputation as social interpreters in the "white list" management, and include actors who distort historical facts and disrupt order in the "black list" No online viewing of Hongtao The effect is good. Strengthen guidance and standardization, and let more people who understand and speak history join the interpretation team, which can better meet the differentiated and personalized needs of the audience.

The ever-changing scientific and technological progress also provides a broad development space for museum interpretation. Scan the QR code to get the specific information of the exhibits; With the help of the human body induction player, the audience can hear the introduction when approaching the exhibits; Digital narrators and artificial intelligence can give viewers a more intuitive and three-dimensional view of cultural relics... Only by targeting the forefront, innovating and applying digital and intelligent technologies, and focusing on optimizing the supply of interpretation services, can we create a better exhibition experience for the audience.

The above is the relevant news about [Hearts Free Online], and I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

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