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Zhang Qingwei, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, attended and delivered a speech, announcing the opening of the summit. Zhang Qingwei pointed out that transnational corporations are powerful promoters of economic globalization and important forces to promote the construction of an open world economy. This summit is the first grand event with multinational companies as the main body held after the closing of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. It aims to implement the spirit of President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the first Qingdao Summit of leaders of multinational companies, and continue to enhance the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and multinational companies. Standing at a new historical starting point, we hope to work with multinational companies to enhance mutual trust on the big stage of opening up and development Girls and adults watch full TV for free We will share new opportunities such as the construction of a unified market, the development of new quality productivity, comprehensive green transformation, and institutional opening, and jointly write a new chapter in cooperation between China and multinational companies.

In his video address, Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce of China, said that transnational corporations are important participants, witnesses and beneficiaries of China's reform and opening up over 40 years of history, and have made positive contributions to China's economic and social development while constantly making their own development. Chinese style modernization is constantly promoted in the process of reform and opening up, and will certainly open up broad prospects in the process of reform and opening up, bringing new impetus and new opportunities for the development of multinational companies in China. The Summit is a high-energy platform for multinational companies to understand and invest in China. We hope that you can make good use of this platform to enhance understanding, identify opportunities and expand cooperation in communication and docking.

The above is the relevant news about [Girls and adults watch full TV for free], and I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

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