Strong Gongmao6 and Daughter in law


 Strong Gongmao6 and Daughter in law


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Strong Gongmao6 and Daughter in law

At this press conference, the High tech Zone belongs to the state-owned investment and operation company Kaiyuan Company, 22 investment and financing companies such as CCB Natural, CSCI, Shenzhen Heiyan Zhongsheng, 14 financial institutions such as the High tech Zone Management Committee, Industrial Bank Taiyuan Branch, China Merchants Bank Taiyuan Branch, and 10 companies such as Nanjing Goya, Beijing Lingyu Zhikong, and Beijing Kaiwang Data, We will sign agreements with partners and project intentions to support high-quality industrial development in new energy and new materials, hard science and technology, digital economy, biomedicine, energy conservation and environmental protection.

🍷 (Writer: Hao Huijiang)

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