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The Fifteenth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixteenth Municipal People's Congress recently passed the "Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting Out of school Practical Education" (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions"), which will be officially implemented from September 1 this year. "This is the country's first local regulation on practical education outside primary and secondary schools." Yan Rui, deputy secretary-general of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and director of the Legal Work Committee, said that this innovative local legislation strengthened overall coordination, promoted the integration and convergence of educational resources in the whole society, and in order to promote matching with the city's positioning The out of school practical education that meets the needs of talent cultivation in the new era provides legal protection.

In order to fully tap resources and give full play to the role of off campus practical education sites as educational fronts, the Regulations specify that off campus practical education sites combine their own conditions and characteristics, cooperate with schools to develop off campus practical education curriculum resources, and optimize management and services. Among them, the youth activity center and other units that undertake relevant responsibilities play an exemplary role; Museums, science and technology museums, art museums, etc. actively participate in off campus practical education Sugar heart vlog white peach girl jeans To provide support and assistance to the school; Encourage social forces to open or build off campus practice education sites. The legislation also encourages practical education places to provide delayed and staggered services.

This legislation clearly strengthens the support of funds and personnel security, stipulates that "the municipal and district people's governments should include the funds needed for off campus practical education in their own financial budgets", encourages enterprises, institutions, social organizations, citizens and other social forces to support off campus practical education through donations, subsidies and other ways, The relevant investment of social forces in off campus practical education shall enjoy tax preference in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, and off campus practical education sites are encouraged to implement fee reduction and exemption for off campus practical education.

The Regulations also specify that schools should take the participation of teaching staff in off campus practical education as an important reference for professional title evaluation, merit evaluation, assessment and evaluation. Gu Hongliang said that he would work with relevant departments to further investigate the organization and implementation of out of school practical education, site construction, team building, incentive guarantee and other issues, develop supporting policies, and develop a timetable. For out of school practice of junior high school students, the normative document "Implementation Measures for Social Practice Management of Junior High School Students in Shanghai" is being revised and will be released in the near future.

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