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Deliberative democracy is an important form of people's democracy in the whole process of practice. The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese style Modernization (hereinafter referred to as the Decision) adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made important arrangements for improving the people's democratic system throughout the process, and proposed important measures to improve the consultative democracy mechanism. We should deeply understand the importance of developing consultative democracy in an all-round way, firmly grasp the task of improving the consultative democracy mechanism, earnestly strengthen the construction of the consultative democracy system, and promote consultative democracy to show greater advantages and play a greater role.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of socialist deliberative democracy, makes important statements around the comprehensive development of deliberative democracy, and puts forward a series of new ideas, new ideas, new measures, and new requirements with theoretical originality, political guidance, and practical guidance. For example, it is proposed that socialist consultative democracy has roots, vitality and vitality in China, which is a great creation of the Chinese Communists and the Chinese people; Deliberative democracy is a unique form and unique advantage of China's socialist democratic politics, an important system design for the Party to lead the people to effectively govern the country and ensure that the people are the masters of the country, an important embodiment of the Party's mass line in the political field, and an important form of people's democracy in the whole process of practice; There is something to discuss, and everyone's things should be discussed by everyone 7723 online watch free HD Is the essence of people's democracy; Consultative democracy and electoral democracy complement and complement each other, and together constitute the institutional characteristics and advantages of China's socialist democratic politics; The CPPCC is an important channel and special consultative body for socialist consultative democracy; Through various forms of consultation, the greatest consensus on decision-making and work can be widely reached, the channels for various interest requirements and appeals to enter the decision-making process can be widely unblocked, the mechanism for finding and correcting errors and mistakes can be widely formed, the mechanism for people to participate in management and governance at all levels can be widely formed, and the wisdom and strength of the whole society to promote reform and development can be widely gathered. For example, it proposed to develop consultative democracy in an all-round way, promote the extensive and multi-level institutionalized development of consultative democracy, build a socialist consultative democracy system with reasonable procedures and complete links, comprehensively promote the consultation of political parties, people's congresses, governments, CPPCC committees, people's organizations, grassroots and social organizations, and strengthen the construction of the consultative democracy system, We will improve the mechanism of consultative democracy. such as 7723 online watch free HD , put forward that we should adhere to the organic combination of the Party's leadership, the united front and consultative democracy, conduct extensive consultations on major issues of reform, development and stability, especially those related to the vital interests of the people through various channels, channels and ways, adhere to the principle of consultation before and during the implementation of decisions, improve various institutionalized consultation platforms, and work out methods and consensus through consultation Emotion and unity. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the comprehensive development of deliberative democracy deeply answered the major questions of why, what and how to negotiate politically, theoretically, institutionally and practically 7723 online watch free HD , enriched and developed the Marxist democratic political theory, pointed out the direction and provided important guidance for the comprehensive development of consultative democracy in the new era.

In the new era, China's socialist consultative democracy is booming. In particular, we have formulated important documents on strengthening the construction of socialist consultative democracy, political party consultation, CPPCC consultative democracy, urban and rural community consultation, and promulgated intra party laws and regulations such as the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Political Consultative Work, which effectively guide and promote the extensive development of socialist consultative democracy, It presents a vivid situation of richer negotiation contents, more diverse negotiation forms, and more expanded negotiation channels, showing strong vitality and great advantages. Deliberative democracy has been deeply embedded in the whole process of socialist democracy in China, and has played an important role in keeping close ties between the Party and the people, promoting scientific decision-making and democratic decision-making, and widely gathering social consensus. On the new journey, to comprehensively promote Chinese style modernization, it is more necessary to improve the people's democratic system throughout the process, give full play to the unique advantages and important role of socialist consultative democracy, and better pool wisdom and strength for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

We will improve the mechanism for in-depth consultation and interaction, full expression of views, and broad consensus building. Adhere to and improve the system of the Party Committee, the government and the CPPCC to formulate and organize the implementation of annual consultation plans, and focus on the central tasks of the Party and the country to more precisely refine the theme of consultation 7723 online watch free HD We will carry out more in-depth consultations and political discussions, and offer advice and suggestions of higher quality. We will improve the procedures and mechanisms for promoting democracy and enhancing solidarity, linking up each other, providing advice to the government, and building consensus. We will use the CPPCC plenary meetings, special standing committee meetings, special consultative meetings, consultative forums, and other forms to conduct in-depth consultations on politics, strengthen political guidance, build consensus, strengthen confidence, and stimulate the strength of struggle. We will improve the mechanism for democratic parties and non party personages to play a better role in the CPPCC, and support the participation of democratic parties and non party personages in the CPPCC in the discussion and consultation of national policies and important local initiatives. We will improve the working mechanism for special committees of the CPPCC to contact sectors, give full play to the advantageous role of sectors and the basic role of special committees, and promote members of special committees and the sectors they contact to play the main role and actively advise on government.

We will strengthen the mechanism for the CPPCC to reflect social conditions and public opinions, connect with the masses, and serve the people. We should implement the people centred development philosophy, adhere to the CPPCC for the people, and make it an important focus of political consultation to constantly meet the people's needs for a better life and improve people's livelihood. We will improve the mechanism for the expression and pooling of social sentiment and public opinion, and focus on major issues in economic and social development and the people's urgent needs to reflect social sentiment and public opinion, so as to provide reference for the Party and the government to make decisions. We will improve the system and mechanism for CPPCC members to connect with the masses in different sectors, and do a good job in guiding ideology, listening to opinions, reflecting requirements, building consensus, promoting unity, and gathering strength. Give full play to the role of CPPCC members as a platform for "serving the people" activities in performing their duties, and guide CPPCC members to do practical things and solve problems for the masses based on their actual positions and give play to their expertise.

We will improve the democratic oversight mechanism of the CPPCC. Accurately grasp the nature and orientation of the CPPCC's democratic supervision, give play to the advantages and role of consultative supervision, and focus on the implementation of major principles and policies of the Party and the state, as well as major decisions and arrangements for democratic supervision. We will improve the organizational leadership, rights and interests protection, informed feedback, communication and coordination mechanism of the CPPCC's democratic supervision, and improve the effectiveness of democratic supervision. We should improve the form of democratic supervision, combine it with the performance of the functions of political consultation and participation in the deliberation of state affairs, and incorporate supervision into consultation meetings, inspections, proposals, special research, speeches at conferences, and information reflecting social conditions and public opinions. We will strengthen coordination and cooperation between the CPPCC's democratic supervision and intra party supervision, NPC supervision, administrative supervision, judicial supervision, social supervision, public opinion supervision, and enhance the synergy of supervision.

We will improve the institutionalized platforms for political party consultation, people's congress consultation, government consultation, CPPCC consultation, people's organizations consultation, grassroots consultation, and social organization consultation. The multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China is a basic political system in China 7723 online watch free HD It is a new political party system growing out of Chinese soil. The stage of multi-party cooperation in the new era is extremely broad. We should make good use of the democratic form and institutional channel of party consultation, and through consultation we can pool consensus, wisdom and strength. We should adhere to and improve the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, improve the system of the central committee of democratic parties making suggestions directly to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, improve the methods of supporting democratic parties and non party personages to perform their functions, and strengthen the construction of the mechanism for ensuring the consultation of political parties. In terms of NPC consultation, we should carry out consultations in legislative work and give play to the role of NPC deputies in deliberative democracy. In terms of government consultation, we will develop a list of consultation items, improve the government consultation mechanism, and enhance the universality and pertinence of consultation. In terms of CPPCC consultation, we should run consultative democracy through the whole process of performing its functions, strengthen the effective connection between CPPCC consultation and the work of the Party committee and the government, and improve the level of CPPCC consultation. In the consultation of people's organizations 7723 online watch free HD And improve the working mechanism for people's organizations to participate in consultations through various channels 7723 online watch free HD We will improve the mechanism for people's organizations to work directly with the masses. In terms of grass-roots consultations, we will establish and improve the coordination and linkage mechanism for the construction of grass-roots consultative democracy, and carry out consultations in towns (sub districts), villages (communities), enterprises and institutions. In terms of social organization consultation, establish and improve the working mechanism and communication channels to connect with relevant social organizations, and guide social organizations to better serve the society. According to the advantages, characteristics and actual needs of various negotiation channels, we should strengthen the coordination of various negotiation channels and improve the overall effectiveness of consultative democracy. Establish and improve negotiation methods such as proposal, meeting, forum, demonstration, hearing, publicity, evaluation, consultation, network, public opinion survey, etc., and enrich the institutionalized practice that everything is easy to discuss and everything is discussed by everyone.

Improve the implementation mechanism of consultation before and during the implementation of decisions. Adhere to the principle of consultation before and during the implementation of the decision, and submit the matters clearly specified to be negotiated to the decision for implementation after consultation 7723 online watch free HD Through full consultation and exchange, democratic supervision, publicity of the Party and national policies and regulations, deepening ideological communication, we will gather good ideas to promote the optimization of decision-making and consensus to promote the implementation of decision-making. We will improve the mechanism of knowing and making policy known, and enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of consultation by inviting people to attend relevant important meetings, participating in inspection, investigation, research, inspection and supervision, establishing a system of regular reporting, providing consultation related materials, and organizing special reports. We will improve the decision-making consultation system, improve the democratic hearings, democratic symposiums, and democratic reviews before major decisions, improve the way of building public participation in policy evaluation based on the Internet platform, absorb the public, especially stakeholders, to participate in decision-making, and absorb experts, scholars, and think tanks for decision-making consultation, so that decision-making and work are better in line with public opinion and reality.

Improve the adoption, implementation and feedback mechanism of negotiation results. Standardize and expand the channels for submitting negotiation results, summarize, analyze, select and submit the main contents, important consensus, opinions and suggestions of the negotiation. Establish and improve the mechanism for research, absorption, transformation and application of consultation results. Party committees, governments and relevant departments at all levels should attach importance to the research and handling of consultation opinions. Important consultation results can be used as reference for decision-making and reflected in the formulation and implementation of policies and measures. Establish and improve the feedback system for the adoption of negotiation results, and promote the transformation of negotiation results into work results.

Adhere to the leadership of the Party. The leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for the development of socialist consultative democracy. We should thoroughly study and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the comprehensive development of consultative democracy 7723 online watch free HD We will unswervingly follow the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics and ensure the correct political direction of consultative democracy. We will establish and improve the working system for the Party to lead the construction of consultative democracy, incorporate the construction of consultative democracy into the overall work deployment and important agenda of the Party Committee, and uniformly lead, plan and deploy the construction of consultative democracy.

Insist on consultation for the people. The people's ownership of the country is the essential feature of socialist democratic politics. Serving the people wholeheartedly and always representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people is an important prerequisite and foundation for us to implement and develop consultative democracy. We should respect the people's dominant position and initiative, and closely rely on the people to promote consultative democracy. In accordance with the requirements of "consultation for the people" and "consultation for the people", the consultation should be embedded in the people's work of effectively managing national affairs, economic and cultural undertakings, and social affairs according to law. We will strengthen the building of consultative democracy at the grass-roots level and ensure that people have the right to extensive, sustained and in-depth participation in their daily political life.

Focus on the negotiation topics. We should focus on the central task and serve the overall situation, anchor the goal and task of Chinese style modernization, focus on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, and firmly grasp the focus and focus of political consultation. Closely follow the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, major strategic needs of the country, and major practical issues in development 7723 online watch free HD We should stick to the key and difficult issues in the field of people's livelihood and do a good job in consultation and advice. Focus on negotiation topics, conduct in-depth investigation and research, and put forward practical countermeasures and suggestions 7723 online watch free HD And promote deeper and more practical consultations.

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