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After a week of experience, Zhang Yu left because of family needs. In the digital nomad community, there are still many passers-by like Zhang Yu. According to the Research Report on Digital Refugees in Anji · 2023 issued by DN-CN (Digital Refugees China), a service agency for digital refugees, the average stay time of digital refugees in Anji is 58 days. Many young people leave their jobs in big cities Supreme Joy txt , naked words, gap, exploring life, staying in the digital nomad community for a short time, and going in different directions.

Because of family needs, I only stayed in DN Yu Village for a week. After leaving, I hope to have other remote office opportunities, but there are few enterprises in China that can provide such support. In fact, when I applied for a job again, I was shortlisted for an interview for an online headhunting job. But because I was in a relatively traditional family and had children to raise, it would take a lot of time to continue the interview, and also faced great uncertainty, so I finally took another offer for HR job.

If there is work that needs to be focused, I will find a separate quiet room, not disturbed by the voices of other people talking or watching the play. After work, I will return to everyone. I went to bed before 12 o'clock in the evening, usually not to participate in activities too late. But other people in the community, especially those in the field of art and design, will stay up until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning. At this time, the community is still very busy, and some people even have a whim to watch the sunrise. They can find a few people to accompany them and set out spontaneously.

Later, I thought that what I really needed was not "many friends", but a deep connection between people. Of course, part of my crying is because I am about to lose her, but another important reason is that I think she is really like my own sister. Since I was young, I always felt that my sister preferred my sister to me, which seems to come from the trauma of the original family, even though later I understand that my sister loves me very much. The connection in the community recalled part of my memory, and my tears were also shed for myself.

⚆ (Writer: Ren Minfu)

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      Leading a large flow of positive energy to write a new chapter of striving
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