Japan, South Korea, no brick code, high view picture


 Japan, South Korea, no brick code, high view picture

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Japan, South Korea, no brick code, high view picture

In the middle of August, the reporter signed up for the "Pure Play Group" through the live broadcast room and conducted an unannounced interview for 5 days and 4 nights. The results showed that the visiting time was cut by half, tourists were repeatedly sent to shopping shops, and tour guides mocked them because of the small amount of shopping; In a darkroom in Zangwu Miao Village, Guzhang County, the "miracle doctor" can diagnose the disease by palms and tongue coating in two or three seconds. Male tourists generally have kidney deficiency, while female tourists generally have uterine fibroids, and all have cancer risks, so as to sell thousands of yuan, tens of thousands of yuan of "miracle medicine" health products.

During the whole trip, three tour guide relay groups were replaced. The tour guide in the first section has repeatedly made it clear on the bus that shopping is linked to his income Japan, South Korea, no brick code, high view picture The shopping standard of each person is no less than 2000 yuan, and he can get a 3% to 5% commission. The tour guide repeatedly said that he would not force them to buy, but asked tourists and tour guides to respect each other. "I hate it when people talk to me. Some people perform better than international movie stars. If you make me uncomfortable, I can also let the driver deliberately detour, which will make you uncomfortable. But I don't want to do this. It's boring."

🌼 (Writer: Yao Henglan)

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