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Yilidian directly enters the popular video

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the launch of the official WeChat official account of the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of National Security recently held a work exchange meeting for the directors of the National Department, adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, thoroughly implementing the spirit of the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the Twentieth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and implementing the decision and deployment of the Ministry's Party Committee on further comprehensively deepening the national security reform and strengthening the work of new media for national security, Summarize useful experience, grasp the law of development, plan innovative measures, and promote the work of Guo'an New Media to create a new situation.

——Comprehensively grasp the overall requirements of Guoan New Media. The development of new media work in Guoan has entered a new stage. We should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, constantly innovate development ideas, and strive to build official new media platforms such as the official micro blog of the Ministry of National Security into a window for national security organs to display their power to the outside world and a front for propaganda. We should adhere to the principle of politics first, adhere to the Party's control of propaganda, the Party's control of the Internet, and the Party's control of the media, adhere to the correct political direction, public opinion orientation, and value orientation, firmly defend the "two establishment", firmly achieve the "two maintenance", and sing the main theme; We should put the overall situation first, place the work of new media for national security in the overall situation of the Party and state propaganda, speed up the improvement of the combat effectiveness of new quality national security, serve the overall situation of national security work and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of work of national security organs; We should adhere to the principle of content as the king, highlight the authority, standardization and professionalism, balance the national security flavor, practical flavor and network flavor, and be good at transforming the mystery, magic and sacredness of the national security work into communication, penetration and influence; We should adhere to the concept of "digital intelligence" as a medium, strengthen the concept of science and technology, actively use the advanced technical means of "online digital intelligence" to empower and increase efficiency, strengthen the promotion and application of scientific and technological innovation achievements, improve the production capacity of new media, and improve the production process of new media.

——Comprehensively grasp the development orientation of Guoan new media work. It is necessary to soberly analyze the development situation, accurately grasp the development orientation, strive to break through the bottleneck constraints, correctly respond to opportunities and challenges, and constantly create a new situation for work development. We should grasp the new requirements of theoretical publicity and further strengthen the study and publicity of Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, especially the overall national security concept; We should grasp the new characteristics of law popularization and further strengthen the publicity of national security laws and regulations such as the Anti Spy Law through various ways; We should grasp the new stage of publicity and promotion, and further expand the coverage, radiation and influence of the new national security media represented by the official micro blog of the Ministry of National Security; To grasp the new challenges of network security Yilidian directly enters the popular video To further grasp the initiative of safeguarding national security in the digital era; It is necessary to grasp the new trend of communication development and further create a diversified, three-dimensional and extensive Guo'an new media platform.

——Comprehensively grasp the construction focus of Guo'an new media work. The work of Guoan New Media should adhere to emancipating the mind, upholding integrity and innovation, making progress while maintaining stability, and moving quickly and steadily, so as to be practical and leading in further comprehensively deepening the reform of Guoan. Positive publicity should be more brilliant, always taking learning and propagating the Party's innovative theory as the primary political task, so as to polish the background, improve the quality and highlight the true color; The content and form should be more abundant, and high-quality written manuscripts should be used to "build the foundation" Yilidian directly enters the popular video , release "efficiency increase" with high-yield content, and "break the circle" with high-level multimedia products; The platform positions should be more diversified, consolidate the main position of the official micro blog of the Ministry of National Security, build a concentric circle of multi platform positions, and create a growth pole for short video platforms; Publicity and promotion should be more effective, carry out publicity activities popular with the people, and create a strong atmosphere in which everyone is responsible for national security; The system and mechanism should be more perfect, focusing on improving the audit mechanism, overall planning mechanism and cooperation mechanism, and improving the standardization and institutionalization of new media work.

From accelerating the construction of an innovative province, an ecological province and a cultural province, to building a "rule of law Zhejiang" and a "safe Zhejiang"; From the reform of state-owned enterprises to "vacating the cage for birds" and "phoenix nirvana"; From the construction of organ efficiency to the construction of service-oriented government; From leading the country in the reform of rural taxes and fees to carrying out the reform of the "trinity" new rural cooperative economy... one by one, one by one, reforms lead Zhejiang to open up a new realm of development, and also let the achievements of reform and development continue to benefit the people.

🚓 (Writer: Lou Fengjiao)

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