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  • Last updated: 2024/09/25
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  •  Xi Jinping and President Lula of Brazil exchanged congratulatory messages on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil

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  •  A woman spends 20000 yuan to cut her eyelids but becomes a sad frog

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  •  ¥ 99.00 - Business Management Psychology

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  •  The 3rd Multicultural Carnival in the Name of Love was held in Greater Vancouver, Canada

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  •  Go back to history and tell stories about the collection of Chinese classics in London

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  •  When Quan Hongchan got off the plane, she yawned and stood beside Ma Long, circling in place

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  •  The second of the third comment on "teachers' burden reduction" on People's Daily Online: Who's to blame if the measures cannot be implemented?

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  •  Chinese Academy of Fine Arts professor raped female graduate students? Multi response

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  •  China's summer grain purchase exceeded 60 million tons, with a year-on-year increase of about 4 million tons

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  •  BOC Macau helped Guangdong successfully issue 2.5 billion yuan of local government bonds

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  •  The potential value of high quality assets of Dashi Smart Building may have been seriously underestimated

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  •  10.78 million people registered for the national college entrance examination set a new high

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  •  British expert: the conflict in Ukraine has reached a turning point

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  •  A brigade of the 81st Group Army breaks through on rainy nights to improve its emergency capability

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  •  Nvidia suddenly shocked its stock price after hours! "Two barrels of oil" medium-term dividend reached a new high, and the dividend payment rate of 25 shares exceeded 100%

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  •  Ma Huaide: Strengthening Emergency Legal Guarantee and Improving Public Security System

    Delireba, Chen Feiyu, Mu Xu's speech

  •  Feng Haining: The intensification of "internal volume" of property is an inevitable trend

    The military called the attack on Kit village in the West Bank of the Jordan River on August 15 a "terrorist incident"

  •  A woman jumps from a tall building after throwing cash? Official notification

    Eight departments issued documents to support the development of green finance in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, support the multi-channel financing of green low-carbon enterprises, and strengthen supervision to prevent the risk of "washing the green"

  •  The destruction of Yangguan protective forest in Gansu reflects the deviation of development concept

    Xibei was selected as the "annual interesting brand case" to lead the market in excellent supply

  •  God synchronization! Triplet sisters admitted to the same university

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  •  The heat is flying! Manufacturers compete for triple fold mobile phones, and flexible screen concept stocks set off a rising tide

    The financial investment income/revenue of 19 listed banks exceeded 30%, and the average of listed banks was 26%, urban commercial banks 29%, and rural commercial banks 22%

  •  Villagers in Pinggu Beizhai, the first township of red apricots in Beijing, suffered from gales and hail! Please lend a hand

    Shouyi: Wax bottle candy is popular? "Three no products" are still popular

  •  Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the 2021 Lottery Market Regulation Fund Budget in Advance

    Xiao Pang doesn't look so fat

  •  The first time I saw the red carpet stick to the mouse board

    Is the "crazy" property market in the United States enough? (International School)

  •  Media: The former commander of the US Central Command believed that Iran had attacked the Israeli Embassy due to the death of Haniyeh

    Melatonin helps solve sleep and memory problems

  •  The woman ordered the order and waited for one minute to cry. The shop assistant was pulled black by the boss

    Russia Ukraine border conflict continues - August 24, 2024

  •  A place name in Hubei is a legend

    Public Recruitment Announcement of National Nuclear Security Technology Center in 2024

  •  Qilian, Qinghai: pastoral scenery on the plateau

    Tucson's future flows secretly: will the battle for founders be staged again?

  •  During operation, will general anesthesia make people stupid?

    Liu Xiaomeng's Comments on Taking Poison as Medicine | Cultural Biography of Poison

  •  【 Photo 】 Growth Diary of C919 Crew of China Southern Airlines

    Super comfortable! The British boy cleans the dirty swimming pool and attracts 10 million netizens to watch, and the audience shouts to decompress

  •  Mom wants to accompany her depressed son to another life

    Baiyu won the US $60 million contract for electric lithium battery in the US market

  •  Russia denies that the establishment of the Russia Kazakhstan Ukraine natural gas alliance is a "political game"

    IOS audio collection

  •  Who is stung by the "cut" of nutrition meal subsidy funds

    60 "sharing employees" settled in Hisense

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    Economic Information Network 20240825

  •  Wang Qiang missed the top eight singles

    Innovating the working mechanism Shandong courts have made remarkable achievements in deepening the reform of family trials

  •  Hot search exploded! Qingdao surrogacy related biotechnology company

    Monograph | | An Qingheng: Not afraid of "internal", orderly competition promotes high-quality industrial development

  •  Palestinian President Abbas Stops His Visit to Saudi Arabia and Returns Home

    The couple with the second child had four more children. The father said: Happiness and pressure coexist!

  •  Hexing Qidianju Furniture Xiao Guangduo: Zhenpin Roots in Jining

    Net profit in the first half of the year fell by 75% year on year, and Zhong'an Online once fell by more than 20%

  •  Book list: 10 good books let you "know yourself and find the true north"

    Opening of "Looking Back on the Dust and Relieving the Moment -- Exhibition of Xu Beihong's and Liao Jingwen's Letters"

  •  In addition to Musk, this Chinese also wants to recycle rockets. Wuxi, Nantong, Bengbu are all involved

    The boy took part in the swimming competition for the first time, and his entry into the water was not standard and his posture was not standard, but he was almost amazing

  •  People's hot comment: webmasters are "certified" to release multiple positive values

    Surgical suture adds new "skills"

  •  Microsoft Excel introduces new functions, text content can be translated into more than 100 languages

    Shangguan Zhengyi speaks again about the surrogacy laboratory

  •  More than 400 Taiwan compatriots feel the inheritance and development in Shaanxi

    The second round of land supply is suspended according to the land auction rules or Yingxin Changduocheng

  •  Economic Information Network 20240822

    Analyze the difficulties of equity transfer and start a smooth transfer journey

  •  The Black Myth: Wukong explodes in the island. The green camp's flank is afraid, but it makes a joke when trying to discredit it

    Xiaobaicheng's novel General Shore was published

  •  The profit of industrial enterprises above designated size in Beijing increased by 16.5% in the first seven months

    The 8 cases of COVID-19 infection in Shanghai were all the same old dance team virus strain, Omikjon

  •  Can I receive occupational annuity at one time when I retire?

    Burundi's aid hybrid rice demonstration field ushers in a bumper harvest season

  •  "Wukong" Wind Hits Taiwan, Public Opinion Believes that the Core of Chinese Culture Is the Key

    Zheshang Bank: In the first half of the year, the net profit attributable to the parent company was 7.999 billion yuan, up 3.31% year on year

  •  The "Grand Bay Area Cross border Direct Ambulance Pilot Plan" drill was successfully held

    China Southern Airlines also received the first C919 aircraft

  •  Report: By June 2024, the number of netizens in China has reached nearly 1.1 billion

    Chinese woman is suspected to be dragged down the 23rd floor by her Philippine husband. There are signs of fighting in the room. They fall from the balcony on the 23rd floor

  •  Highlights of Version 01 - Beijing strives to build a modern governance system for megacities

    Sunny Optics rose nearly 5% in the afternoon, Bank of America Securities raised its target price from HK $70 to HK $75

  •  October Communication (Issue 37)

    Forum on China Africa Cooperation | China's Assistance in Building Gymnasium for the Benefit of Cameroon

  •  Guide youth to integrate personal development into national development

    Heshun Technology: held the board meeting on August 28

  •  A woman was trapped in the wild mountain near Tanzhe Temple, Beijing Mentougou fire emergency rescue

    The Blue Book of China Africa Joint Construction of the "Belt and Road" has been released →

  •  Du Zhaocai was tried: Du Zhaocai was accused of illegally accepting more than 43.41 million yuan of property

    Doctor glasses: the board meeting was held on August 27

  •  Differentiation and analysis of the current world economic situation: China continues to contribute to the support of "stability" and the driving force of "progress"

    Two people drowned when the inflatable fishing boat exploded? Official response

  •  "We will kill you all", police: Criminal detention!

    The index of contracted second-hand housing in the United States fell to the lowest level on record, and the housing price and borrowing costs remained high

  •  "Industrial Metauniverse Innovation Space" was unveiled in Beijing to build customized immersive experience scenes

    "Guochao" cultural and creative products add vitality to cultural and tourism consumption

  •  Focus Interview 20240823 The ecological background of high-quality development of thick plants

    Network News: Frequent Accidents in Central America Caused by Snowstorms

  •  Taking food and medicine: "scanning code and ordering food" has potential infringement, which leads to hot discussion

    Let patent supply shake hands with market demand (People's Review)

  •  Laobaigan Liquor (600559): cost pressure reduced Q2 profit growth exceeded expectations

    Snowflake writing method

  •  North American box office | Blink for Help was renamed and released, reflecting changes in American social ethos

    National Energy Group aims at the advanced and focuses on the main business to ensure energy supply (three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform)

  •  Lateral disk galaxy M102

    Talking about the New Countryside | Improving the Socialized Service of Agriculture

  •  New Journey for Ten Years | Feiteng Starts Again

    Korla Glycyrrhiza seeds usher in picking time

  •  The spokesman of the Eastern Warfare Zone made a statement on the US missile destroyer "Johnson" sailing across the Taiwan Strait

    It's rumored that NCT members will leave the team in June

  •  "Almost no consultation with universities", and Australia was criticized for "recklessness" in setting a ceiling on student enrollment

    What is the cause of calf cramp

  •  Why is there no carbon when the speed of light is a little slower; If the speed of light is a little faster, there will be no oxygen element?

    1.4 trillion! Ali is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange today

  •  15 Edition International European E-commerce Market Continuously Expands (International Perspective)

    Figure 1 Understanding the "Transcript" of Economic Operation of Central Enterprises in 2020

  •  Ceres 1 sea launched tele-3 carrier rocket successfully launched

    "Gobi Bear" haunts! First found in China, extremely endangered

  •  Panjiang Shares (600395): The coal industry has continued to recover its expected power profit performance

    China Resources Vientiane Life: The revenue in the first half of the year was about 7.957 billion yuan, and the M&A market was cold

  •  Surprise the emptiness! The residents of Huyi Community cut through the wall to frighten them. The smell was pungent

    Yunda Shares (002120) 2024 Mid term Report Comments: 24H1 Profitability increased by 20% year on year, optimistic about business improvement

  •  Men knowingly buy fake goods and maliciously claim for compensation

    The sales and trading performance of securities were outstanding, and the net profit of Orient Securities in the first half of the year increased by 11.04% year on year

  •  California Congress passed! The "milestone" of American AI regulation is almost over

    Macs get stuck when they plug in mobile hard disks and mechanical hard disks? It is caused by the hibernation of the hard disk. Solve the problem of M1 hard disk hibernation

  •  "Business trip" changed from 8 days to 8 months. Many media said that NASA was embarrassed when astronauts stayed in space

    The Party flag flies high at the grass-roots level

  •  The man committed suicide because his wife cheated

    Shenzhen Huaqiang closed 11 trading limit boards in a row

  •  More than 82 million people entered and exited this summer

    "One branch is elegant, and thousands of artistic conception are tasted" Digital ink painting of flowers and birds in Song Dynasty is issued in limited quantity

  •  More than 30000 lonely people died at home in Japan in the first half of the year due to the aging population

    The symposium on the development of humanoid robot industry and the launching activity of the Robot Industry Investment Promotion Committee were successfully held

  •  Gree Electric fully scrambled to install air conditioners in Wuhan Leishen Mountain Hospital

    To provoke fierce fights in the island, worsen cross-strait relations, and create chaos after Lai Qingde came to power for a hundred days

  •  Beijing Railway Police went deep into the railway marshalling yard of Fengtai West Railway Station to carry out safety publicity

    The playground of a middle school in Zhangjiakou, Hebei, collapsed: one construction worker was buried and died after rescue

  •  "Zhennengzi" was investigated on the road, and Shenyang public security traffic police exposed overload cases

    COSCO Services: In the first half of the year, the profit attributable to the owner of the company was 59.3 million yuan

  •  On August 28, Fan Zhendong showed the photo of exchanging signed rackets with Ma Long, and said: It's my honor

    Xindun Community of Yannan High tech Zone in Jiangsu Province launched the "golden autumn student aid" activity

  •  China Southern Airlines Receives the First Large Aircraft C919 and Enters a New Stage of Multi user and Multi fleet Operation

    Ruichang and Zhangshu, two county-level cities in Jiangxi Province, welcomed the new Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee on the same day

  •  Do leaders fear subordinates with "leadership" temperament?

    Kids funny video

  •  Chongqing Mobile Communication Science and Technology Parent Child Summer Camp Enters the Global Exhibition Center of China Mobile IOT

    China Air Force J-10 Game 20 is in the same frame as the pyramid

  •  Cultivating Foreign Language Talents in Accordance with Social Needs (Teacher speaking)

    Enjoy ancient and modern mountains and rivers and talk about stories on both sides

  •  Bank of Shanghai Releases 2024 Semi annual Report

    In 2020, the network information system will interview 4282 websites according to law

  •  Kobayashi Pharmaceutical said statistical errors reported to the government 11 cases of health product deaths were missed

    A company in Tokyo hired 11 cats to "go off duty"

  •  One week military review: Will the second trial of the Fujian warship, which lasted 20 days, set a new record?

    The sudden rise of "Harris Trading" How does the US election result affect various industry sectors?

  • Blocking and protecting Shaoxing 1 day ago
    The average IQ of human beings drops 0.2 points every year, and the generation is more stupid than the generation? 😃🐳
  • Hongfei Mountain 🚖 2 days ago
    Publicity of People's Daily's Participation in the Good News Selection of the 25th CPPCC National Committee 🏴
  • Zhai Xijian 741 3 days ago
    The screenshot of the "Chengdu School Extension" file spread by the parent group is false! 📯
  • Xu Liyuzhi 37 1 day ago
    Wuliangye Semi annual Report: Achieve Double digit Growth for Nine Consecutive Years and Achieve the Goal of "Double More than Half" 🕖📨
  • Yu Lvfan 920 3 days ago
    Read a picture | Read it first! The 2024 China Cyber Civilization Conference has many highlights!
  • Zhai Qiguan 0 days ago
    Promote the continuous improvement of market access system 👟
  • Zhao Daihuan 18 days ago
    The first low altitude economic smart community in Zhejiang will be delivered by Ningbo UAV 🛄
  • Summer Houhuan Shi 10 days ago
    Xi Jinping and President Lula of Brazil exchanged congratulatory messages on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil 🐺
  • On Xi Biao dzr 85 days ago
    British expert: Russia launches missile attack against Ukraine by the most advanced means
  • Ji Jianqi vtc 85 days ago
    Cinda Securities released the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Research Report, and the business in 24H1 grew against the trend. New drugs and traditional Chinese medicine are expected to bring the second growth engine 🏀
Safety inspection