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Chapter 8 He Has a Son

It looks delicious 2024-05-11 09:22:30

The original body fell into the water in winter, and it was Xu Manni who played tricks on her back.

These days, Xu Laichi comes and goes in a hurry. Since Xu Manni was beaten last time, she can avoid Xu Laichi.

The two didn't even see each other in the small western-style building on the second floor.

In the market, they began to sell Spring Festival couplets, etc.

Xu Laichi looked at people carrying beans and red dates, and was surprised to find that tomorrow was Laba.

"When the glass door is fixed and cleaned up tomorrow, you can start business. Do you spend Laba here or with your family?"

Xu Laichi has also become familiar with Qin Fen these days. He seems to be cold, but his temper is excellent. Moreover, he never hesitates about big things and small things. He even cooks and even mends clothes.

There was a hole in the cuff of Xu Laichi's old cotton padded jacket. Qin Fen sewed it up for her the next day, and could not see a trace.

This is not an indifferent and ugly supporting actor, but a man and mother loved by everyone.

Qin Fen didn't know he was late, but said modestly, "It's nothing. Everyone in the army has to learn how to sew clothes for you."

"What's your cooking skill?"

"When I first went to the army, I stayed in the kitchen for half a year."

If she had not opened a Malatang shop, she really wanted to keep Qin Fen. What a good cook! You must make money opening a small restaurant.

Qin Fen decided to go back to Ningyuan Village early tomorrow morning, but still worried about Xu Laichi's opening alone.

"Does your Malatang really have a market?"

"You've tasted it. It's delicious. When it's cold, you can eat a bowl of hot food and enjoy yourself. I think it has great potential. Anyway, try it first. OK, you should pack up your things quickly. You should go back to the village tomorrow morning. Remember to take what I bought for your parents. Also, remember to call me."

Qin Fen has been following Xu Laichi these days, helping her carry goods and prepare vegetables. He is very busy.

Lying on the narrow iron frame bed in the guest house at night, he couldn't help thinking about what he was doing these days?

After he retired from the army, he just wanted to be an ordinary man, go back to his hometown to farm and take care of his parents, and then raise Qin Bing. But after encountering Xu Laichi, it was quite different.

The girl didn't shy away from suspicion. Although they had obtained a certificate, they were not real couples after all, but she was not polite when she ordered herself.

Qin sighed, rolled up the quilt and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, a phone call woke him up.

"A phone call is fifty cents, don't make it too long." The receptionist motioned him to watch for some time, and then he took a martial arts novel and nestled on the chair to read it.

Qin Fen dialed back the number of the village office, and as soon as he got through, his father's voice came.

"Oh, Daqin, it's no good. Xiao Bing is gone! This boy doesn't know who to listen to. He thinks you don't want him, and he secretly came to Yuncheng to look for you. The money in your mother's wardrobe was also taken away by this boy."

"Dad, don't worry about you and Mom. I'll go to the railway station now, and I'll call you when I find someone. Don't worry, I'll find Xiaobing."


Late at night, the harsh voice of the phone disturbed Xu's family's good sleep.

"Who is it? In the middle of the night!" Xu Manni scolded downstairs, and looked at the receiver angrily: "Why? Who are you looking for Xu Laichi? Qin......"

Her face changed, she gritted her teeth and shouted upstairs, "Xu Laichi, I'm looking for you."

Xu Laichi went downstairs in his pajamas. Xu Manni impatiently lowered her voice and threatened, "After the New Year, you will go back to the village with Qin Fen. You are not allowed to come to Yuncheng again. Do you hear me?"

"Yes," said Xu Laichi perfunctorily. Qin Fen called late at night. Is something wrong?

"Qin Fen."

"The only person I know in Cloud City is you."

"What's the matter? Don't make a fuss."

"My son Qin Bing, he ran from Ningyuan Village to Yuncheng."

Xu Lai knew sooner or later that Qin Fen had a son, but the two didn't talk about it, so they both pretended to be confused.

"You come to meet me at the Xu's, and I'll look for it with you. The child must have come by train. I'll ask someone about the timetable of the railway station. Don't worry."

"You really want to be Qin Bing's stepmother?" asked Xu Manni.

"Why don't you go?" said Xu Laichi with a smile, "My sister has a heart. She will find out the name of the child early."

Xu Manni froze and waved her hand at random: "I heard it. Are you really going? I... can warn you that it's difficult to be a stepmother."

"We'll talk about it later. It's so cold. He's half a child. Don't let anything happen."

Xu Laichi changed his clothes in a hurry and ignored Xu Manni who was still in a daze.

Opening the door, it snowed outside.

Under the street lamp, Qin Fen was still wearing his army coat. The white mist was steaming along his hat, like a steamed bun just out of the pot.

"You......" Qin Fen was sweating. Xu Laichi took out his handkerchief. "Wipe it, are you running here?"

"It's freezing cold. I'm worried about what's wrong with Xiaobing."

"It's too slow to go by bike. I asked. There are three buses a day from Ningyuan Village to Yuncheng. When did the child find it missing?"

"When we had dinner, we couldn't find it. The family thought he was going to a friend's house to play. Later, we found that our money was gone."

"That's the nine o'clock train. It will take two hours to get to Yuncheng from far away. At this time... Hurry up, maybe the child is still at the station."

They got on their bicycles and rushed to the station.

At the station late at night, sporadic passengers got off the train.

The woman selling tea egg eight treasure porridge, wrapped in a thick cotton padded jacket, dozed off.

Qin Bing stood on the platform and looked around, full of curiosity.

He also came to the city with his grandmother, but that was when he was very young, and he didn't remember what happened. I remember that Yuncheng is very big, with many cars and many tall buildings. Unlike the village, the bare mountain, there is no delicious food or fun.

Qin Bing didn't have dinner. He was greedy for tea eggs and eight treasure porridge, and couldn't stop swallowing saliva.

"I want to buy tea eggs..."

"My child, every ten cents. My aunt will choose a big one for you."

Qin Bing ate tea eggs for the first time. His greedy appearance made passers-by laugh.

"Little friend, why are you here alone? Where is your family?"

A woman with a turban squatted down and touched his red face with pity.

"My father is going to find me a stepmother. I will come to the city to find him. I don't want a stepmother!"

"It's cold. Alas, poor boy. It's so cold outside. Go home with my aunt. When it gets light, my aunt will take you there."

"Really? Don't lie to me."

"Why are you cheating? You are a child. What's worth cheating on? My aunt has heating, but it's hot. Are you hungry? My aunt will cook you braised pork with brown sauce."

pork braised in brown sauce? Qin Bing's eyes brightened. He hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

"I'll go with you."

In the eighth chapter of the novel "Crossing the Ninety Centuries, High Cold Boss Takes His Life", he has a son to finish his trial reading.

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Chapter 1 Wearing to the Chronicle Chapter 2 No profit, no early rise Chapter 3 Prospective Husband's Visit Chapter 4 Being a Good Man Chapter 5 See Your Parents in Law Chapter 6 Teach You a Lesson for the Elder Chapter 7 Preparing to Make Money Chapter 8 He Has a Son Chapter 9 Almost Abducted

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