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[62tv. me Online Watch]!!! Today, the attention of the whole network is very high. What's the specific situation? Let's see what's going on!

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The terrain of the project line crossing is complex and changeable, passing through deserts, lakes, mountains, wetlands, populus euphratica forest reserves and so on. The problems of construction difficulty and high level of operation risk are particularly prominent, and the project construction faces great challenges. It is reported that 62tv.me online viewing More than 90% of the lines of the project need to be erected in the south of Taklimakan Desert. The high fluidity and strong wind force in the desert lead to the extremely low rate of foundation pit excavation and molding of iron tower in the desert. The builders solved the problem of collapse in the process of foundation pit excavation by building sandbags and sand boards, and proposed the construction methods of rapid excavation, rapid preparation and rapid pouring, which greatly saved the construction time in desert areas and reduced the construction safety risks.

The 750 kV power transmission and transformation project around Tarim is a key project in the national "14th Five Year Plan" electric power development plan, covering an area of 1.08 million square kilometers, close to one ninth of China's land area. After the completion of the large loop network, it will further optimize the main grid structure in southern Xinjiang, significantly improve the collection and transmission capacity of new energy such as photovoltaic in southern Xinjiang, form a 750 kV hub type backbone grid pattern of "connecting the north with the south, extending the west and connecting the east", and strongly support the construction of the third AC and fourth DC transmission channels in Xinjiang.

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