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 After he left, she rode to the battlefield

After he left, she rode to the battlefield Song Xixi

Closed Song Xixi and Zhan Beiwang

Update time: 2024-05-10 16:36:15
The latest masterpiece of the Internet god "Song Xixi", "After He Li, She Came on a Horse to the Battlefield", is being serialized. The main character of the book is Song Xixi looking north. The brief story in the book is: Wen Xiju, the wind lamp in front of the corridor reflects the paper-cut on the window lattice, and throws it on the wall of the house like a monster. Song Xixi sat on the rosewood round backed chair, her hands folded in front of her, her thin body wrapped in plain clothes, and she looked at the person in front of her, and she waited for her new husband for a year.
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Zhan Bei saw that everyone was in trouble, so he took the gift list and looked at it. After reading it, he asked the second aunt, "What's the problem? Ten thousand taels of betrothal money, two pairs of gold bracelets, two pairs of suet jade bracelets, two pairs of red gold heads and faces, and fifty pieces of brocades. That's all. There are not many other pieces."

"Not much?" The two old ladies sneered

Zhan Bei looked at him and wondered, "Why? Who cares about the account? Is it a deficit?"

"I manage the account!" Song Xixi said lightly.

"What accounts do you manage? What about the silver?" Zhan Beikan asked.

"Yes, what about the silver?" The two old ladies sneered. "Do you think our General's Mansion is a family? This General's Mansion was given by your grandfather when he was an officer worshipping the general. Your father and your uncle's annual salary was less than two thousand taels of silver and rubies, and you, a fourth rank Xuanwu general, were more than your father?"

"The estate left by my grandfather is more or less profitable, right?" Zhan looked north.

The second old man said to the man, "More or less, can you sustain such a large expenditure of the mansion? Just the medicine your mother takes every day will cost three liang silver, one pill every three days, and five liang silver. These are all supported by her dowry silver."

Where do you believe when you look north? He felt that the Second Aunt helped Song Xixi to make trouble for him.

He put down the gift list disappointedly, "To be frank, you just don't want to take the money. In this case, I will find a way to pay the bride price and bride price. I have made contributions to the war, and your majesty will get a reward."

The second old lady said, "Your war achievements are not used to marry Yi Fang. Since you are congenial, why care about the dowry? Go and discuss with her. Just be less important."

After coughing, the old lady said: "It was your majesty who gave the marriage. Don't be so contemptuous of others. Our family can't get the silver."

She looked at Song Xixi and smiled and beckoned her to come over. "Xixi, how about you take out the silver first and give it back to you when we are more comfortable?"

Zhan Shaohuan sneered and said, "Mother, we are all a family. What can we say to make up for it? My sister-in-law must be virtuous and generous. The ten thousand taels of silver is just a drop in the bucket for her. She must be willing to give it away."

"Shao Huan, you can't talk to your sister-in-law like that. She has done a lot for our general's house this year, and you should remember her kindness." The old lady pretended to be angry and scolded her daughter, and said repeatedly that everyone should remember Song Xixi.

After a pause, she looked at Song Xixi and said, "Well, that's the decision. Xixi, my mother knows that she has wronged you. After Yi Fang enters the door, you will set rules for her and let her know that you are the wife of the house."

Everyone looked at Song Xixi, and Lian Zhan looked north.

He was slapped by Song Xixi yesterday. He is still a bit awkward now, so he can't look down and ask her.

Song Xixi didn't say anything. The second old man said, "Apart from the retainer money, there are also these gold heads. Are the jewelry also called Xixi?"

The old lady said gently, "Of course, I don't care about that anymore. I'm sorry, right?"

The second old lady looked at Song Xixi and shook her head slightly, indicating that she would not agree.

Song Xixi knew that the second aunt was good for her and reminded her, but she would not agree, so she slowly shook her head, "It's not appropriate for me to pay for the silver. The General's Mansion should pay for the silver when getting married."

The old lady's face suddenly sank, "Xixi, you don't know how to share with me. We are all a family. Besides, don't we borrow this from you? If we are relaxed in the future, we will naturally return it to you."

Song Xixi looked north to Zhan. "What do you think, General?"

It is impossible to say that she will use her dowry to pay him the dowry for his flat wife, even if she wants to show her face?

Zhan Beiwang also felt how a man could use her dowry. When she was about to speak, the old lady said, "Cherish, you can make your own decisions about these things. You are his wife, and his things are also your things. Couples are one."

Song Xixi said gently, "Mother is right. Let the general say something. If you ask me to borrow it, I will."

The trial reading of chapter 13 of the novel "After she left, she rode on the battlefield" ended.

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