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Introduction [Insert 50 year old sleeping rhyme video]!!! [Chasing the National People's Congress · Leading Role] An early participant in the legislation of "one lake and one regulation" of Yunnan Jiuhu Lake, and the standing committee of the provincial people's congress he knew

[Insert 50 year old sleeping rhyme video]!!! Today, the attention of the whole network is very high. What's the specific situation? Let's see what's going on!

 Insert 50 year old sleeping rhyme video

Insert 50 year old sleeping rhyme video

Sarachandra Bandari, executive editor in chief of Nepal National News Agency, said that China plays a vital role in Nepal's development. As a mountainous country, Nepal's demand for electricity is growing. The technical support provided by China has strongly supported Nepal's power development. He also said that the regional airports built with China's assistance have strengthened Nepal's exchanges with neighboring countries. The hospitals provided with technical support by the Chinese medical team and the public schools reconstructed with China's help have improved the medical, living and educational conditions of local residents. These "small and beautiful" projects that benefit people's livelihood are new highlights of China Nepal cooperation.

Han Yonghong, deputy editor in chief of Lianhe Morning Post in Singapore, talked about the influence of the "Belt and Road" in Southeast Asia from the media. She said that over the past 11 years Insert 50 year old sleeping rhyme video There are 4322 articles referring to the "Belt and Road", and 1053 in the past five years. These figures reflect the influence of the "Belt and Road" The report of, mainly focused on infrastructure construction and cooperation between China and co construction countries, and later gradually focused on people to people interaction, serving local communities. In the past two or three years, there have also been many reports focusing on high-end goods and technologies exported by China to Southeast Asian countries.

Negasi Ambaye Abe, Deputy CEO of the Ethiopian News Agency, shared that since the launch of the "Belt and Road" initiative, the national and local media in Ethiopia have considered the initiative to be crucial to local poverty reduction and development, and have widely reported on the "Belt and Road" initiative through news reports, feature reports, documentaries and other forms. In terms of media cooperation, he believed that journalists from both sides should be helped to understand the current situation in Africa and China, and strengthen media cooperation and content sharing. (End)

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