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[Free Zone National Elite Products for Girls Web Page]!!! Today, the attention of the whole network is very high. What's the specific situation? Let's see what's going on!

 Free zone Guojing product website for girls

Free zone Guojing product website for girls

The Third Procuratorate of Shanghai said that between April and September 2023, Mr. Guo, who was resident overseas, made illegal profits and bought a large number of rare animals overseas. Knowing that China prohibited the import and export of rare animals, he imported rare animals without approval. Mr. Yang illegally transported rare animals into the country by smuggling and arranged for Mr. Liu and others to receive them, It is delivered to the buyers in Chengdu, Sichuan, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Songjiang, Minhang, Shanghai, etc. in the form of express delivery. In addition, Liu, Cai and others illegally purchased and transported precious and endangered wildlife under state protection from other buyers in China, and raised them at home for sale.

After identification, the animals smuggled, illegally purchased, transported and sold by the gang in groups or alone across the border are listed in the List of National Key Protected Wildlife or Appendix I and Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and four claw tortoises, Egyptian tortoises, blue rock iguanas, Argentine black and white South American lizards, ball pythons, high crown chameleons There are more than 1400 rare animals such as two claw pig nosed turtle Free zone Guojing product website for girls After evaluation and accounting, the value of the animals involved in the case is more than 1.9 million yuan.

On March 15, 2024, the Shanghai Third Intermediate People's Court made a judgment of first instance after the Shanghai Third Procuratorate initiated a public prosecution: the defendant Guo was sentenced to one year and three months' imprisonment and a fine of 100000 yuan for the crime of smuggling rare animals, and the defendants Liu and Cai were sentenced to two years and six months' imprisonment respectively for the crime of smuggling rare animals and endangering rare and endangered wildlife Two years and nine months, with a fine of 150000 yuan each. The defendant, Yang, was sentenced to one year and three months in prison for smuggling precious animals, with a fine of 50000 yuan. After the judgment of first instance, the defendants did not appeal, and the judgment has become effective.

The above is the relevant news about [Free Zone National Elite Products for Girls' Website], and I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

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