Message Board

Ling Huchong: "I want to quit the Jianghu and never ask about the Jianghu."

Let me go: "How can you retire? Where there are people in this world, there will be Jianghu"


The Jianghu that can't retreat, the ancient and modern that can't finish talking

You are always welcome here. Sincere and deep wishes

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Message Board 》559 ideas

  1. EM bacteria

    Yue Buqun is responsible for the mission of the Everbright Huashan Sect. He originally attached great importance to Ling Huchong. As a result, Ling Huchong betrayed his school and fought against him all the time. When he was young, he thought that Ling Huchong was smart and Yue Buqun was a hypocrite. Now think that Ling Huchong is definitely being used.

  2. Viki

    The sea roars with laughter, surging on both sides
    Rise and fall with the waves Just remember today
    The heaven smiles and the tide of the world
    Who wins? God knows

  3. kenpe

    "Blog" itself seems to be a long time ago. I want to experience the feeling of leaving a message at the bottom of my blog again, so I venture to leave a message. When I was searching for something on Baidu, I found a blog, and then found it in the friendship link of that blog.

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      In fact, blogs are not far away, and many bloggers who still insist on writing are still working hard. Even though the ways of Internet recreation have become more and more fast, as long as the enthusiasm for recording and sharing has not subsided, blogs will continue to exist.
      The network should be connected. Thank you for your message.

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      After all, the basin is no better than the south of the Yangtze River, and still needs to be further developed.

    1. Sankeshu People Author

      Hahaha, the current situation of the Internet in the Jianghu?
      Your blog portal is very difficult to find, very interesting~


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