Label archiving: iPad

Replace the external screen of iPad

There is an old iPad on hand, which should be the fifth generation of 17 models. Most of the time, it is used in office. I touched the upper right corner of the screen when I first got there. The iPad itself is fine because it is a metal edge model, but the screen has three cracks. Although the screen is cracked, I can scratch the cracks with my finger without any scratch, and it does not affect the use of the touch screen, so I did not want to replace it. One thing to say, the quality of the iPad is really good. I shut down the positioning, notification, and background refresh. After several years of use, the battery is still powerful. But recently, I don't know what's going on with the touch screen. It started to be out of control and even clicked randomly. At this time, I had to lock the screen immediately, press the screen and unlock it again, so that the touch screen could return to normal. Could it be that with the passage of time, moist air passed through the outer screen and entered the internal touch screen, causing a "short circuit"? To save money, every time you encounter a touch screen out of control >>Read more