Label archiving: aircraft carrier

A dispute over an aircraft carrier

Just today, Vietnam held a military exercise, a military exercise with great significance that was obviously dissatisfied with China. As I expected, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China did not make a statement when it learned that Vietnam announced the military exercises until the beginning of the military exercises, because soon after Vietnam announced the military exercises, the United States had a statement saying that it did not approve Vietnam's military exercises, because the warming of the situation in the South China Sea would threaten the interests of the United States. If China also protested the Vietnam military exercises, it would stand by the United States and admit that the United States also has interests in the South China Sea, which is obviously unacceptable to China. The South China Sea issue is heating up with the constant exposure of Chinese aircraft carriers. Many countries are speculating about China's naval strength, and of course, the United States or Russia are not excluded. "Among all the major countries, China is the only one without aircraft carriers, but China cannot always have aircraft carriers." This means that China has set its sights on the sea. "The aircraft carrier is under construction, but it has not been built yet. We will wait until it is built." Can the US and Russia not be nervous when the Chinese aircraft carrier is ready for launch >>Read more