Label archiving: Japan

Look at civilization from another perspective

Open the map, ignore all national boundaries, provincial boundaries and county boundaries, and only focus on mountains and rivers, and only look at the terrain. In this way, we can get rid of the inherent prejudice against the nation and color, and we can look at the civilization on the earth from a different perspective. Geology and climate determine the products, the physique and character of people living on this land, the culture of this region and a civilization. Snow covered plateau, Yunnan Guizhou plateau, Pearl River basin, Yangtze River basin, Western Gobi, Mongolian plateau, western Sichuan basin, southeast hills, all have their own small civilizations, which are now called local characteristics. East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, West Africa, North America and South America all have their own characteristics, which we now call culture. In addition to the above small and large civilizations that still exist today, there are also some known or unknown civilizations that have long ceased to exist, such as the civilizations of the Two Rivers Valley, the Nile Valley, and Central America. Civilized >>Read more

Words are just carriers

This is the impression of the Japanese film Dunhuang in 1988. After a nation has created its own characters, its civilization will have the basis to continue. This is true of China, Tibet and Mongolia, and of Britain, Russia and Japan outside China. However, the Xixia State, which was in the same period as the Northern Song Dynasty in ancient times, also created its own characters, but the end was not like this. Instead, it was destroyed. Perhaps there were many nations that created their own characters in ancient times, but they could not leave paper or stone carvings, which was unknown to future generations, so they disappeared forever in the history. Those nations that were lucky enough to leave behind writing but unfortunately perished have added their mystery to later generations, such as Xixia, hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt, and cuneiform inscriptions in the two river basin. How did these civilizations disappear, whether it was war or plague, in addition to historical records, the rest can only be a mystery. I have heard of this film for a long time. The shooting background is the period of cultural exchange after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. It is adapted from a >>Read more

Feelings after Reading "The Last Words of the Crested Ibis"

This is a feeling after reading. After reading The Last Testament of the Crested Ibis, I have a feeling in my heart. It has little to do with the content of the book, but it is related to the background of the story told in the book. It is a yearning for natural scenery, obsession with rural areas, and love for simple life. The book tells the story of a teacher who devoted his whole life to the protection of crested ibis. The story takes place on Satodo Island, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The hero once participated in the war of aggression against Korea. After being demobilized, he became a teacher in Satodo's local technical school. Later, he ran everywhere to protect the crested ibis, a native bird. However, with the development of society, urbanization and the development of tourism industry, the natural environment on which crested ibis depends for survival has been destroyed. The use of pesticides in agriculture and the reduction of habitat range have led to the continuous reduction of the number of crested ibis, which ultimately cannot escape the fate of extinction. The above is the main story line of the whole book, but after reading this book, I also like the description of Sato Island in the book >>Read more

I don't have an answer

Yesterday afternoon, I saw a new Xinhua Wenxuan Bookstore in Wanda. I went in and inquired about it. Many books were plastic sealed and could not be opened. The number of books opened for trial reading was very small. In the few test books, I quickly searched the book cover. Soon, a book with birds flying high and low on its cover appeared in my sight, and the book with snow covered forest on the background. Five bold characters were printed on the upper right corner of the cover - The Last Words of the Crested Ibis. After reading the introduction, this is a documentary literature translated from Japanese. It tells a story of Japanese observing, protecting and recording the activities of crested ibis, but the ending is very weak. The Japanese crested ibis is finally extinct, and can only be introduced and bred from China. Of course, the point is not to introduce this book. After all, I haven't read it, but I really want to buy it. So I picked up the book, looked at the price on the back and priced it at 49 yuan. I looked up and thought about it for about one second >>Read more


Japan in summer has neither the bright cherry blossoms in spring nor the quiet snow in winter. Coincidentally, it was summer vacation and there was no urgent matter to be busy, so the family had a reason to travel. The western Pacific in midsummer is the season of typhoon activity. Fortunately, in just five days in Japan, there was no typhoon on the way back and forth, and our journey began in the summer, which was not too hot and even a little autumn. Japan has gradually developed since the Meiji Restoration. Its social development is in the forefront of the world, and Japan has a great influence in science and technology, medicine, culture and other aspects. Although Japan has gone through World War II, it has recovered its vitality after social transformation in just a few decades, and now still has the right to speak in many fields. (Clear Sky Tower) (Lei Men in Kijiro's Summer) ... >>Read more

On Craftsman Spirit

A few days ago, I read a book called "Craftsman", which describes all kinds of craftsmen in the village where the author lived as a child, including carpenters, bricklayers, carpenters, blacksmiths, shavers, and teachers The author expresses his nostalgia for his hometown by recalling the people and things in his hometown. The invisible homesickness makes the author sigh that the withering villages, the lost craftsmanship and their destiny legends are being forgotten little by little. Recently, CCTV also made a program called "The Craftsman of the Great Power" to awaken people's spirit of finding the missing craftsman by showing the long-term persistence of workers in all positions. The Chinese are far less sophisticated than Japan in doing things, which is why Japan has been able to maintain its long history in the manufacturing industry. The Japanese spirit of professional research is the basis for Japan's manufacturing industry to maintain innovation and high quality for a long time, which is recognized by the market. Therefore, although Japan is an island country, it can develop economically. ... >>Read more

Recommend a song - 500 miles

It has not been updated for a long time. The last one was updated in 2013. How are you. I like a song recently. The 500 miles of The Brothers Four is a masterpiece of folk songs. Let's share it with you. The original singer of 500 miles is The Brothers Four, one of the old American folk music bands. Later, the Japanese rock god Kiyoshiro Miono adapted the Japanese version of 500 miles, which was sung by Matsuoko and Kiyoshiro Miono himself. In 2013, Justin Timberlake, together with Carey Mulligan and Stark Sands, starred in the new film Inside Llewyn Davis, Drunken Folk Songs, also sang the theme song 500 Miles. ... >>Read more

A dispute over an aircraft carrier

Just today, Vietnam held a military exercise, a military exercise with great significance that was obviously dissatisfied with China. As I expected, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China did not make a statement when it learned that Vietnam announced the military exercises until the beginning of the military exercises, because soon after Vietnam announced the military exercises, the United States had a statement saying that it did not approve Vietnam's military exercises, because the warming of the situation in the South China Sea would threaten the interests of the United States. If China also protested the Vietnam military exercises, it would stand by the United States and admit that the United States also has interests in the South China Sea, which is obviously unacceptable to China. The South China Sea issue is heating up with the constant exposure of Chinese aircraft carriers. Many countries are speculating about China's naval strength, and of course, the United States or Russia are not excluded. "Among all the major countries, China is the only one without aircraft carriers, but China cannot always have aircraft carriers." This means that China has set its sights on the sea. "The aircraft carrier is under construction, but it has not been built yet. We will wait until it is built." The Chinese aircraft carrier has arrived at the launch date, and the United States and Russia can not be nervous >>Read more

On respecting history

The way of life is neither absolutely right nor absolutely wrong. Yes, just relative everything. Chairman Mao conquered the world. In the eyes of the poor people, he was a great leader and mentor; In the eyes of the Kuomintang, he was an insurgent, a gangster and a criminal who subverted the country. History does not favor one over the other. Maybe this is the real value of history. We often mention respecting history, not just against Japan's aggression against us. Sometimes, this sentence also suits us. Why respect history? Because the development of society is both progressive and tortuous, people who are not sages can make mistakes, so they should face up to what has happened. It is not our authorities who can comment on whether it is good or bad. Of course, we can not always get entangled in the world of discussing whether we are right or wrong. Just as only we now can truly evaluate things in ancient times, but this must be based on the times and values of the commentators >>Read more

Comments on the Japanese Earthquake

Perhaps this is the result of many lines of injustice, but this is the natural disaster! At the first class yesterday afternoon, I heard from my classmate Wu Shize that the earthquake in Japan was still 8.8 magnitude. I asked whether it was on the ground or in the sea, and the result was the latter. It coincided with the earthquake in Yunnan the day before last, and the earthquake in Japan the day before last, which made me think of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 that I experienced personally. In retrospect, it was really a thrilling experience! Sure enough, Japan had an earthquake. Many Chinese people are happy and warmly congratulated. Of course, this is due to the complex of history. After all, we hate Japan and the nation that almost killed us! However, the smoke of the past has disappeared without trace. We should remember history and respect history more. Now Japan is experiencing a life of unease after the earthquake, just as I couldn't go home after the Wenchuan earthquake and had to put up a tent in the open space for the night. But it's more than that >>Read more