Label archiving: mobile phone

A day without electricity

After getting up this morning, I turned on my mobile phone and found that I could not connect to Wi Fi all the time. I subconsciously wondered if there would be a power failure. I turned on the light in the room and found that it was indeed a power failure. I thought it would be a temporary power failure, but I never expected it until 22:07 at night. So the day was spent without electricity. Because there was no electricity, the water also stopped. Fortunately, the gas didn't stop, so it didn't become impossible to make a fire and cook. Food and clothing can be solved. The key is that today's temperature is up to 34 degrees Celsius, and the sun is scorching. I only look for a shady place to drill this afternoon. The power supply office didn't post a notice in advance for this long power failure, so there are different opinions about when to call. Some people say five o'clock, some say seven o'clock, and some say ten o'clock. Of course, after experiencing the results of the first two disappointed guesses, I was about to be disappointed with the third guess when I called. After dinner, at eight o'clock >>Read more

The past is not like smoke

There are flowers in spring and moon in autumn Cool wind in summer and snow in winter If you have nothing to worry about It's a good time in the world ——Song Wumen Huikai Zen Master Web 2.0 has passed, and I miss it very much. Two days ago, I had a snack outside. Because my pants pocket was very shallow, my mobile phone fell out several times and fell to the ground. It was last night that I saw a crack in the screen, which did not affect the use. Today, we are living in an era that cannot live without mobile phones and networks. Communication technology is extremely advanced, making everything fast and close. With video chat, we no longer meet; With WeChat voice, we no longer call; With instant chat, we no longer write letters; With the circle of friends, we no longer develop photos. In fact, I just miss the day when I rode to my partner's house to call his name and play. After work, the days have been repeated every day for more than two years. Occasionally, I would like to write down my diary to record my life, but >>Read more

Mobile optimized plug-in WPtouch experience

Recently, when I visited some blogs on my mobile phone, I found that some blogs support mobile browsers very well. After many inquiries, I finally found this plug-in WPtouch, so I installed it last night. After this plug-in is installed, you can directly access the blog website with your mobile browser, and it will automatically switch to mobile theme. It is very beautiful, the interface is very comfortable, and thanks to Jeff's Chinese language pack, this plug-in is more perfect for Chinese people. I have used the WP-T-WAP plug-in. In fact, it is also very good, but its access effect is not as good as WPtouch. However, it has the advantage of background management, such as article publishing or comment management on mobile phones. Another thing to note is that it seems that UC Browser does not work for this plug-in. Because Wang Wen on the UC browser is still the effect of the web page and does not switch to the mobile theme. So >>Read more